Chapter Thirty Two

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© 2020 just_cait_here



Kenya POV

Why don't we go get some donuts, sweet little Tiger? Aren't you hungry?

I roll over in my bed, groaning. "Go away..." I whimper, all pizzaz having been drained out of me.

I'm afraid I can't do that... but look, I've invited a friend. A good friend.

"No, no, no... no more friends..." I mumble into my pillow.

But why not, precious one? Why not friends?

"Go away, go away, go away..."

No... I don't think I will.

"Miss Bennett? Am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice speaks up from the doorway.

I blink rapidly, lifting my head just enough so I can see who it is.
"Oh. Neighbor lady."

"Yes," I can tell she's gritting her teeth, "Because it's not like I actually have a name or anything."

I giggle.
"Nobody has a name. We all just have temporary titles for others to summon us by... oh yes, Kenya has a name. Kenya is Kenya's name... name name namesss..."

The neighbor lady looks confused, and slightly afraid.
Yes... fear. Fear is good, Tiger.

"Um, well, I just came to ask if you could be a bit more quiet at night. You must have been throwing one hell of a tantrum to trash the place like this, and you were screaming bloody murder as well. I tried to come in but the door was locked."

I glance around my room, which looks like a tornado has torn through it, and shrug.
"They took away my cuddle buddy. What did they expect?"

"Your... cuddle buddy?" My neighbor asks, slowly backing out of the door.

I nod, smiling brightly.
"They locked him up. He's forgotten me by now... forgotten his tiger. But that's okay. I have him in my head. Another one of the voices."

"Are you okay, Miss Bennett?" She's nearly out of my room and into the hallway by now, having been retreating this whole time, at the speed of a sloth who took the whole bottle of melatonin.

"I'm always okay." I reply, grinning from ear to ear.

Yessss.... yesss you are, little darlinggg...

It's a different voice this time. I flutter my eyelashes. "Why what's your name, little hissing voice? Or must you be like the others and not say?"

No time, no time, no time to telllll...

"Oh. But I have all the time anyone could ever need."

The lady is gone.... off to get the William...

I glance towards the doorway, and sure enough my nameless neighbor has disappeared, leaving my door wide open.
"Oh. Oh look." I point towards the escape.

I see it, smart little girl. Now go through. Escape.

"But why? Where should I go... and I've been having so much fun here. Ooh, a kitty!"
I spot a fluffy grey cat strolling along and go to pick it up, but she hisses at me, running under a coffee table.
"Mean kitty. So mean." I pout.

Go through the door, Tiger. Through the door.

"If you say so, Mister." I tsk my tongue, leaving my room and practically gliding down the hallway. There's so many lovely paintings on the walls. I stop for a moment to stare at a small assortment of miniature ones.
"Which one is your favorite, my friends?"

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