Chapter Twenty Two

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© 2020 just_cait_here


Kenya POV

Makoa yelps in surprise, and jumps back, hands in the air. "Don't shoot!"

"Ansel," I say in a scolding tone, trying not to laugh, "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't terrify my friends next time."

The big man smiles at me, lowering the gun. "What can I say? It's fun." He says sheepishly.

I walk over and hug him tightly before stepping back and looking him up and down. "You've grown so much from last time I saw you!"

The gang leader looks mortified. "Don't do this to me, I'm begging you."

I smile, tweaking his chin. "What can I say? It's fun."

He rolls his eyes. "It's good to see you again, Kenya. What has it been? Ten years?"

"Something like that. But seriously, bud, you have grown. Last I saw you, you were just an awkward sixteen year old blabbing about some girl you met." I tease.

Ansel chuckles. "You can't swing me around anymore either. What a shame."

He was referring to how I used to twirl him in circles when he was younger. He called it 'The Spiderman'.
"Yes, it is very tragic. You were so much cuter when you were tiny."

"Ha ha." Ansel says dryly, glancing at Koa. "Who is this?" He wiggles his eyebrows, "Your bOyFriEnD?"

I smack him. "No, you dumbass. This is Makoa birdboy."

"Eagleswood." Koa corrects under his breath, stepping forward and reaching out his hand for Ansel to shake.

The gang leader looks at it with raised eyebrows, than reaches forward and gives it a short shake.
He doesn't get out much.

"Well, it's nearly dinner time. Diana and I would love to have you two join us, and there we can discuss business deals. I'm guessing you're going to want some help with your little legal situation?"

Oh yes. I almost forgot I was technically on the run.
"That, among other things."

"I'll go pester Cook into telling me how long it'll be until foods ready. Why don't you introduce your 'friend' to the men?"

Before I can smack him again, Ansel walks out of the room, leaving Koa and I with a bunch of fierce looking dudes with guns.
I feel right at home, it's like the army camps all over again.

"Yo! Is that Dave?" I suddenly shout, spotting a familiar face.

The guy grins. "Kenya! Glad to see you're still alive," he jokes, pushing through the crowd of confused men.

When he gets close enough I reach out my fist to bump with his, which than turns into a 'bro hug', a cowboy jig, and a little move I stole from Shakira.

"You still remember." I say, pleasantly surprised.

"Course I do. If I didn't you would find a way to repeat that little prank from the nineteen eighties all over again." The fifty-something year old hitman chuckles.

"That was one of my best works." I say wistfully, wading through nostalgia.

"So. Who's the guy?"

I grab a very confused Makoa and pull him forwards. "Dave, meet Koa. Koa, meet one of the best hitmen in the business."

Visibly nervous, Makoa nods respectfully to the guy. "Good to meet you, sir."

"None of that sir stuff. Just because I kill people for a living doesn't mean I like doing it. A job is a job, son. But, I might also add that if you make my bestie here sad in any way I will hurt you." His brows draw together menacingly.

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