Chapter Twenty Four

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© 2020 just_cait_here


Kenya POV

"Damnnnn, these look great!" I say, admiring the false ID and passports.

Xaviar smiles proudly. "Thank you Miss Bennett, I enjoy a challenge ever so often, and making these in such a short amount of time could definitely be considered one."

I toss Koa his passport. "Put that somewhere safe, hot stuff."

He grins. "Will do, Tiger."

I roll my eyes and pull out my wallet, tucking the fake ID in and pulling a wad of cash out.
"How's this?"

Xaviar counts the bills. "That's perfect. Pleasure working with you."

"As with you." I shake his hand and turn towards Makoa. "It's getting late, we need to be going."

He nods in agreement. "Dad will be wondering what's taking us so long. Last thing we want is for him to try to come looking for us."

"And of course, Fluffy will be missing me terribly." I add.

"You just keep telling yourself that."

"I will, thank you very much." I say prissily.

I lead Makoa towards the exit, glancing around to see if I can spot Dave and Ansel.
I really would like to say goodbye to them, who knows how long it will be before I see them again?

If I go to Ireland after this manhunt is over I might never see Dave again... sometimes I forget that most humans age, no matter how much I wish they didn't.

"Kenya! You weren't going to leave without giving me a hug, were you?" Ansel calls out, walking down the hall with Dave and Diana.

I grin. "There you are, you big baby. Come on, bring it in."

He laughs a booming laugh than wraps his arms around me. "I'll miss you, Kenny."

I squeeze him tight. "I'll miss you too, bud."

When he pulls away I swear his eyes were glassy with tears.
Diana steps forward and hugs me as well. "Don't be too long in coming back, okay?"

"I'll try, but no promises." I reply, smiling.

Than it's time to say goodbye to Dave.

"Hey." I say, standing before him.

"It's goodbye, not hello that you should be saying, missy." He jokes weakly.

We both know that this might be it. The final goodbye.
No matter how many of these I say it never gets easier... it only gets worse on the inside, but better on the outside.

"I don't want to say goodbye," I murmur, shutting my eyes tightly and hugging him like no tomorrow.

"Neither do I, Crazy, neither do I."

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Dave." I whisper, "I lied to you earlier. I can't get my mind off him. I can't be so close and yet be fighting to make myself so far."

He looks me in the eyes, his own twinkling in that teasing 'I told you so' way. Than he becomes serious.
"You don't have to do this, Kenya. I can bring him the rest of the way, I'm more than qualified to find a random girl. Tracking down people who don't want to be found is what I do."

It was true... I could just push Koa on Dave, and get the hell out of here before my attachment to him grew too much.

"Than you could go to your island in safety. That's what all of us want for you Kenya, to be safe."

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