Chapter Eight

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Bad Boys and Band T-Shirts."

Makoa POV

I'm woken up at 4am by a shrill scream.

Bolting awake and flicking the light on the first thing I notice is the empty spot beside me.

"Kenya?! Kenya!"

The screaming abruptly stops and a moment later I spot Miss Immortality.

She's blinking sleepily, sitting on top of the counter, hair a mess.
Still not wearing a shirt.
I avert my eyes.


"You were screaming." I say, avoiding looking at her.

It's not that I've never seen a girl in a bra before, I mean, like Kenya pointed out, girls wear much skimpier things when swimming. But it just feels different when the girl in question is in the same bed as you, it's the middle of the night, and you're stuck with her for ten days while you find your younger sister.

"Oh. I'm fine. I just sleepwalk." She tiredly stumbles towards the bed, falling onto it and going right to sleep.
How does she do that?

I sigh, knowing she can't sleep with half of her body hanging off the bed.
I walk over and gently lift her onto the bed, tucking her in and brushing her wild hair out of her face.

When she's asleep like this she looks so... peaceful. Harmless, even.

Than I realize.
I had stopped thing about her as a human soon as I learned she was immortal.
But at her roots... she's still capable of making every mistake, possessing every flaw a mortal can.

When she had gotten so angry earlier, back in the car, I had known a nerve had been struck.
If I really wanted to understand this girl I would have to go slowly.
After all, she's spent sixteen thousand years building walls around herself... I can't expect to just be able to walk in there and change everything.

What am I thinking?
Changing things?

No. I just need to find Bria and go home.
Than get a knew job, or jobs because after how much Kenya is leeching from my bank account I will be practically broke.

My brain is far too awake for me to go to sleep now and there's literally nothing to do.
I can't even check google maps for the closest phone store or shopping mall.
And there's no way I'm showering when I'll just have to get back into these nasty clothes.

So I begin to pace.

Every moment we are wasting here is a moment Brianna is spending alone, scared, and possibly even in pain.
The note had said they might have to turn towards more intense methods... and memory loss.
If I wasn't in time she might forget me. Forget Lindsey.

"Ugh, who let an rhino in the room?" Kenya mumbles tiredly, sitting up.

I give her a look. "We need to get going."

"It's only six thirty." She whimpers.

"Breakfast starts at six thirty."

"I'm up! I'm up!" Kenya springs out of bed and rushes into the bathroom where she pulls her shirt over her head. "BREAKFASSSSSTTT!"

I let the hotel room door close, refusing to embarrass myself by being seen with her.

Kenya has already made a few friends by the time I get to the hotel cafe, a group of middle aged woman who are nodding along, listening to her in a rapture.

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