Chapter Fifteen

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Parting Ways"

Makoa POV

Brianna was right behind this door.

"Kenya, I think we should formulate some kind of pl—" before I could even finish my sentence, the girl pushed the door open and dragged me through.

This place was not at all what I had expected.

It mimicked the style of a modern, plush living room.
There were countless couches, a few bean bags, and televisions.
I even noticed a frozen yogurt bar.

"No way!" Kenya exclaimed, dashing over to the bar and tossing a popping boba into her mouth, eyes shining.

I roll my eyes, ignoring her as she begins to fill up a small container with froyo, and start searching the many faces for my sister.

Everyone has this weird slack expression, some looking high. It's unsettling, to say the least.

Kenya pops up beside me, spooning yoghurt into her mouth. "Have you found her yet?" She asks over a mouthful.

"No. I don't see her..." I look around the room and spot another door.
There's something written on it in a language I don't quite understand.

I go to turn the knob but Kenya reaches out, stopping me.
"It may be a trap. Let me open it, that way if it is programmed or anything it will think we are both immortals."

She licks the froyo off her fingers and shoves it into my hand to hold, than wraps her fingers around the handle and turns.

To my relief, it opens.

The room we step into is completely white, aside from these tinted glass cubicles with pitch black doors.
There's a woman in a pristine white coat typing something into a computer.

"Hello there, we were told that a Brianna had completed treatment as was ready to be escorted to her new place of living?" Kenya fibbed, her manner convincing.

The dark-haired lady glanced up. "Last name?"

"Eagleswood." I blurt.

Please say she's here, please say she's here...

The woman's eyebrows raise. "Brianna Eagleswood was discharged from this facility just yesterday with a full memory wipe and relocation."


My breathing becomes rapid, it's like the walls are closing in.
We're too late.
I'm too late.
She's gone.

My baby sister is gone....

Kenya elbows me and shoots me a look that says 'you okay, there'.
She smiles brightly at the woman behind the monitor.

"Our apologies for wasting your time. I assume Sir William reassigned her to another because we were running late. Something came up we just couldn't ignore, I'm afraid. Do you know who took the job?"

The lady begins to look through her computer, muttering thoughtfully to herself.
"Aha! Here it is. Chrissy Mark, one of our best relocation officers. Looks like she's bringing her to Canada. Don't worry, she will be in safe hands,"

I still can't seem to get any words out, leaving negotiating to Kenya who responds with a simple,
"That's wonderful, we'll be going now."

We turn and begin to walk out. Or, more like Kenya drags me and I just kinda stumble along behind her.

Irresponsibly ImmortalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora