Chapter Two

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"In Trouble... Again."

Kenya POV

I lean deeper into the soft cushions of my 5-star-hotel couch, crossing one leg over the other and letting out a heavy sigh.

"You know, I think it's finally happened. I'm bored of living. I've done everything. Been a villain, been a hero, been a teenager, been a party girl, a bookworm, dated the bad boy, jock, nerd, and rich kid, climbed Mount Everest, gone deep sea diving, starred on the big screens, lived a life as a hermit... what is there left to do?"

No response. Just staring. I continue.

"And believe it or not, I've tired of attending funerals. I've been to so many... of people I know, people I don't. People I love, people I hate. Young, old... hot, not so hot— you name it. Oh-ho and don't even get me started on weddings! The amount of times I've been a bridesmaid— I can't take it anymore! Any more wedding cake and I might have to say goodbye to bikinis!"

Fluffy the two-hundred-fiftieth blinks at me, unimpressed.

Some therapy animal.

My poofy grey feline jumps down from the ottoman, mews, and sashays out of the room as only a cat can.

Leaving me alone to plan out my next 'life'.

After staging my disappearance back in New York I decided I wanted a change of speed and moved to a small town in Washington state.
The trees were bright and green, the landscapes lovely, and the sky nearly always gray or littered with clouds.
Brought back memories of Europe. Maybe that's where I would go back to next—

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sharp tapping on my door.
Strange, I don't recall ordering room service or anything of the like...

I get up and go to the door, peeking through the peephole and groan as soon as I spot the person outside.
Oh no.
Not again.
I don't have the patience for this today.

"What do you want?" I ask through the door, determined to be difficult.

"Kenya, let me in, you know full well what I'm here about," Sir William replies, exasperation thick in his tone.

I roll my eyes but unlock the door, leisurely walking towards the kitchen to grab a snack, leaving William to let himself in.

"Kenya, this has to stop. It's beyond time for you to join the rest of us in hiding. We can only do so much damage control and erasing of information, and quite frankly everyone is over it. Just yesterday we had to take another mortal captive who had caught whiff of your situation."

I open a package of Cheeze-Its (easily the best invention since sliced bread... heck, maybe even before sliced bread!) and pop a few into my mouth, chewing slowly purely to annoy the ancient man before me with his silver-streaked black hair and piercing eyes that speak of many, many years of life.

"Will, my man, we've had this talk a million times before, and every time I've stated that I am not just about to crawl under a rock like the rest of you. I was blessed with eternal life— you  an bet I'm gonna live out every second of that life to its fullest!"

William took a seat on one of the barstools, his lips pressed tightly together in annoyance.
"You're putting every one of us immortals in danger. Hell, you're putting yourself in danger!"

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