Chapter Nine

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Karaoke. But like. Bad Karaoke."

Kenya POV

Makoa is starting to scare me.

And I'm not easily scared.

It's like he's a mind reader or something.... what if this whole thing is staged? What if he's just someone Sir William the Stupid hired to make sure I'm a good little child? A babysitter of sorts?

He's in my head, making me realize things I don't want to realize, and face things I've pushed away for so long.

And of course he had to bring Kegan up.

See... we may have bickered a lot, but we were siblings. Twins. Best friends.

We shared a special bond.
From the first moment I came into this world he was in me, and watching him get older, frailer, and eventually leave.... without me....

Shit, what are you doing, Kenya?

You said you wouldn't think about that!

Forgetting is best!

I turn to Makoa, smiling brightly. "Ooh looksie! A electronics store!"

He sits up straighter. "Finally! I'll go in and get this done as fast as I can."

"But I wanna go in—"

"OH, HELL NO. Starbucks was a very great example of what happens whenever I let you go into a store, and the things here are much more expensive than at Starbucks. Just wait here for me, I'm not going to be long."

"That's what they all say!" I call after him.

"Finally. The car to myself!" I rummage through our shopping bags and find the portable speaker I bought.
Makoa's car doesn't even have a place for me to connect to Bluetooth or anything. Just a CD slot and the radio.

Normally I don't mind the radio, but right now I need to listen to my jam.

"You're broken down and tireeeeddd! Tired of living life on a merryyyy go rrrround!!!"

I hum the next few verses, getting ready for my favorite part and ignoring the annoyingly inspirational lines.


By the time Makoa gets back with his new cellphone I'm already on Rolling in the Deep by Adele.

Or, to be more accurate I quickly switched the song over from the Phantom of the Opera, made my vocals a whole lot worse, and pretended like I didn't take a million voice lessons and star in broadway once upon a time.

"I thought someone was murdering Fluffy! God, you almost gave me a heart attack, Kenya!"

"I was doing karaoke. Gosh, don't be so judgmental!"

"Karaoke? That was karaoke?"

"Yeah." I stick out my tongue.

"Well at least now I know why you haven't become a pop star at some point."

I roll my eyes, too tired to explain that I actually was once. "Did you get a good phone? Or a lame one? Let me see it! Can I put my thumbprint in it? Or is it one of the dumb ones with Face ID? Actually, not dumb. Than I can just shove it in your face."

"Slow down there, tiger. My phone is staying in my pocket unless I absolutely need it. No offense, but the less access you have to it, the better."

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