Chapter Twenty Eight

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© 2020 just_cait_here


Kenya POV

"What did you do to him?!" I shout as Makoa's eyes roll back into his head and he begins to tip over.

I jump forward, catching him before he can hit the hard ground and gently lowering his limp body to the ground, leaving my hand under his head so it doesn't hit the concrete.

Sir William is looking down at me with an expression that isn't quite malice, but more of a heavy disappointment shrouded with anger.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt him. He's just asleep."

I struggle to keep my temper. "This was a set up the whole damn time, wasn't it?"

Sir William sighs.
"I really did hope you would ignore the mortal, but no, of course you had to help him for the adrenaline rush. Now look how you've ended up, far worse than where you were at before."

I take off my jacket, placing it under Koa's head and standing up, marching over to Sir William, striving to stay in check.

"Maybe I am in a rough spot. Maybe I walked into some shit, set myself up for heartbreak again. But Willy, funny thing I've learned. My heart is going to break, no matter what I do. I wouldn't change a thing I've done in the past weeks."

"You say that now, but it's only a matter of time before you're at a bar, trying to get drunk, and fallen into the same rut I've observed you stumbling into time after time. I can't let you do this anymore. It's damaging to the other immortals, but most of all it's damaging to yourself?"

I laugh bitterly.
"And why should you care about me?"

The knight smiles, shaking his head.
"You can only patch a broken heart up with stone so many times. Soon you'll be consumed by the darkness that stems from sorrow, and if I am to be completely honest, child, I fear what you may become."

"So you're afraid of me?" I say, smirking.

"I'm afraid of your indestructibility." He replies, reaching out and grabbing my wrists.

I don't bother to struggle as he locks the handcuffs onto me.
Not when Koa is right there. I can't risk him getting hurt.

Sir William whistles, like one would if calling a dog. A small group of lightly armored individuals come through the door, all eyeing me like I'm the kid who just got called to the principal's office.

I stick out my tongue, because how else shall I demonstrate my maturity?

The people look away and move to pick Koa up. Oh hell no.

I jerk my hands away from William, using my body to slam the other immortals away from Kao's sleeping form, positioning myself in front of his motionless form.
"Don't you dare touch him." I say, voice low and threatening.

The people move towards me, but William stops them with a raising of his hand.
"We won't hurt him, Miss Bennett, I give you my word."

I snort. "I don't trust you anymore than I trust the scumbag out in my truck. Your word is meaningless to me. If you lay a finger on my— on Makoa, I will put up a fight. Maybe I won't do much damage, but than again, I just might lose my temper. We don't want that, now do we?"

"You're in cuffs, girl." A guy spits scornfully.

"All the better to choke you with, my dear." I say, grinning in the most big-bad-wolf way I can.

Sir William chuckles.
"You never fail to be a problem, do you, Kenya? I really didn't want to do this- but you leave me no choice."

I blink, unimpressed. "Nothings happening, old man."

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