Chapter Twenty

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"You Crushed My Ribcage."

Kenya POV

That little shit.

I smile to myself as his voice fades and the music comes back on.

I guess my secret island would have to wait.

"Well, Fluffy, we're going to Canada it seems." I pull out my phone and run a quick google search as to where the radio station is based.
Once I've got the address and plugged it into maps it's only a matter of time before I'm there.

Seeing Koa again.
This was a really, really stupid idea.
I left him for a reason...
a very valid reason.

But I could control myself long enough to find Bria, couldn't I?
All I had to do was keep my emotions under lock and key.
Easy enough.

I stopped at the nearest rest stop to do my make-up so I would be unrecognizable.
I went to the extremes with a blonde wig, a foundation at least three shades lighter than my natural skin tone, and coloured contact lenses.

As soon as I got back in the car, Fluffy hissed at me, her gray fur standing up on end.
That meant that either I had done a great job disguising myself, she was mad at me, or I was just that ugly.

"Fluffy it's me, your mum." I said, rolling my eyes and buckling.

She just hissed again.
Yep, definitely option two. The cat was pissed at me.

"Don't be like that. I promise that soon the car trip will be over and you can go back to your normal life. Expect for we will be living on my secret island. But trust me, you'll love it there."

She doesn't reply, just stares unblinking ahead.

"Oh, so it's the silent treatment? How mature."

"Mew, meow. Meeeeeeew." She whines mournfully.

"Is that so? Well, rest assured I will buy you a whole box of cat treats when this is over. Deal?"

She looks at me and blinks. "Mew."

"Good." I glance impatiently at my phone yet again. We have a few hours yet to go, but I'm not sure if my stomach can hold over that long.

There's not a McDonalds in sight.
I cry your mercy, I don't know how I will survive.


"Hello, I'm looking for that dude who was in here earlier." I say, walking up to the front desk. No point in casual greetings and small talk.
I came here for one reason, and that's exactly what I'm going to get to.

The man at the desk raises an eyebrow. He's young, and actually pretty cute if I was being honest.

"There was a guy who came in here high on something, screaming about the end of the world who would fit that description you just gave. I'm going to need more details, Miss."

"Tall, maybe six one? Six two? Built like a dude who could kick your ass, take offense. Dark wavy hair that looks a mess, honey brown eyes."

"You could have just given me a name, ya know." The guy deadpans.

"That wouldn't be as fun. I like to hear myself talk." I reply, grinning.

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