Chapter 1

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I walked in to work about ten minutes late and my boss had a fit, "You were ten minutes late! I mean you came in latter than Joey!" He yelled. "Sorry, I woke up late." I apologized and walked behind the counter. He rolled his eyes and stormed into his office. "Wow, he was mad." Nikki said. I had been friends with her since kindergarten, but she and I are totally different, She is a popular girl and I am a nerd. "Yeh, hand me that mocha cup, please." I said getting straight to work. She handed me the cup and sat on the counter and sipped her coffee. "You need to lighten up, I mean you never have fun and are always so uptight." I stopped cleaning the mug and snapped the rag on the counter, "I'm not uptight!" I said really loud and the few customers looked up from their cups and stared at me. "Yes you are." she said. I threw the rag at her and helped the next person in line, "Sorry about that, what can I get for you?" I asked not looking up at them trying to find my notepad. "One hot chocolate and one coffee no sugar." I wrote the order down and asked," Name?"

"Ashton and Michael." I laughed a bit thinking of 5sos,"Ok,that would be $15.25 please." writing down the names on the cups I gave them their charge. I had not looked up at who was ordering until he handed me a 20 and smiled. I dropped my pen and froze, "Oh sorry, I am such a klutz," I said taking the 20 and took out the correct change",here is your change." Ashton took the change, counted it, and placed a 5 into my hand, "Keep it." he smiled and my hart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest, though I was calm on the outside. I scurried and bustled around making their orders. "So who was that?" Nikki asked. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Just some members of 5sos." she smiled an then scrunched her nose. I could tell she liked them but never admitted it. "I know." I don't say much and when I do it is a one sentence or one word, "One hot chocolate for Ashton and one coffee, no sugar, for Michel." I read off the tag. Ashton and Michel walked up and took their cups, but Ashton slipped a paper in my hand as I handed him his cup.


No long after they left it was my brake. I walked into the brake room and opened the paper in my apron.

Hey, if you ever need a person to talk to, here is my number and email. I saw you working and you looked like you needed to talk.


I laughed a bit because he noticed me, me, of all people, shy and intrusive me! I never would have quested that I would have his number. I put the note in between my phone and case for safe keepings. "Your brake is over get back to work! Mr. Smith yelled. I stood up smiling and closed my locker and walked out to the dinning area. "What are you smiling about?!" He yelled, I kept walking and smiling.

Hey, hey, hey, I am here with a 5sos fan fiction and I know this chapter is short but I want all my first chapters short. kookykrumble3 I think this is similar to Race to Riley's hart and I apologize if it is. Speaking of kookykrumble3 go check her and also LokiwifeWinchester 's stories and also go fallow them as well. Don't forget to check out my other stories as well.



The only reason // Ashton IrwinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя