Chapter 30 Ashton

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Autumn was walking! No, running! Now she was tangled with me on the beach for her birthday. "Ashton we should get going." She said and stood up. She wobbled, but steadied herself and clipped her hair back. "Are you sure you got this?" I asked and stood to help her. She shooed me away, and started to walk away with Noel. She fell after a few steps, "Maybe you should be in your wheelchair?" I asked and picked up my drum box. "Nah, I good." she smiled and waddled to the van parked in the lot. I laughed and walked along her.


We were in the car and she smiled and held my hand, "Best birthday ever." She gave me a kiss and laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm. "I know something that would make this better."

"You do?" She smiled and sat up. "Yeah I do."


"What if I told you that this was the last time you check out of the hospital."

"You're kidding!"


"Shut up, I don't believe you."

"Yeah, you're clear to go." I said. She hit me and squealed, a sound I have never heard her make, and gave me a kiss. She and I rode back talking about the wedding and what we are going to do.

When we got back to hospital to pick up the boys, Autumn had the best idea ever. I wheeled her in and told the boys, "I think we need to tell you something." Michael was an ass and gave a perverted smiled. Autumn stood up and said, "No, not whatever you were thinking. This." she said and gave a, very girly, twirl. Their eyes and mouths fell open and Mikey ran up and made her stumble. "Why are you standing? You shouldn't be standing!" Calum asked and shook her. "I don't know, Noel pulled away from me and I ran after her." she laughed and walked over to me. I rubbed her back and said, "Lets go back to the hotel and get some sleep." I yawned. The rest nodded and we walked back to, hopefully, check out of here for the last time.


As we walked back to the van Autumn yelled, "Race to too the van!" She took of. I laughed and ran after her. I beat her by a hand, "Hah, you need to take it easy for a bit." I laughed and put Noel in the van. "I don't want to." She pouted and denied me my kiss. Now with the rest of the band in we took off.


"Since when have you been running or walking?" Luke asked and elbowed her lightly. "Today, I ran after Mrs. Houdini."

"Who?" I asked. She laughed and took my hand. "He was an escape artist, crazy. And Noel tries to escape from me all the time."


"Yeah, people say he should have been in an insane asylum until his death."

"How did he die?"

"Don't know." She laughed as we stopped at our hotel.


She and I walked into our room and put our stuff in the drawers. "So how long are we here for?" She asked as she plopped on the bed. "We have until Friday, but we have a few interviews along the way."

"Ok, do we have anything tonight?"

"No." I said and she smiled. I walked over to her and say on her. She hit me and said, "No, get off me." she laughed. I pecked her on the cheek and made my entire body limp. "No, no, no, get off me!"


"Get off!"

"Nah, I don't think so."


"No!" I said and kissed her neck. She laughed and pushed me off. "Why not!?" I tried to make my voice sound like a little kid. "Because." She laughed. I stood up and walked over to the dresser and pulled out a box of unused condoms, "We good, now?" I said and shook the box. She laughed and walked over to me and started to kiss my neck. I pulled her on me and over the bed. She started playing with my zipper and sliding her hands up my shirt. I pushed her up and slid the condom on. She started to move her hips with me and she slid her shirt off. I managed to get her jeans off and started to make love to her.


When we were done she got up to take a shower. I watched her elegant body glide to the bathroom. The water turned on and I, being the man I am, fallowed her in. "What are you doing?" She asked as she stepped in. "What I need a shower too."


"But do you remember the first time we made love?"



"No." she smiled and closed the curtain. I huffed and walked out. As I took off the condominium I noticed a tare in it. "Shit!" I yelled and tossed it in the trash. "What?" Autumn yelled from the bathroom. "My dick fucking tore the damn condom!"


"It broke." I said and heard a thump. I ran in and saw her hyperventilating in the shower. "I am so sorry, so sorry. I promise I didn't mean to do this. I promise." She looked up at me, her wet hair clinging to her face as the water mixed with tears ran down her face. "I know." she sobbed and shook her head. "We don't know if you are."

"But what if I am? I'm only 21 years old!" She sobbed and looked at me. I stepped in the shower and laid her head on my collar bone, "You will do fine, I know you will. Plus we now it's my kid." I tried to make the dark situation lighter. She shook her head."I know, I know, I promise this will be our secret." I said and helped her up. I turned off the water and wrapped her in a towel. She walked out to get dressed as I dried off.






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