Ashton 35

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      I really miss Autumn. I sat in the boring meeting waiting for my chance to call Autumn and talk to her. "Ash? Ash!?" Luke yelled and punched me in the arm. "What?"

"Were you listening?"


"Really what did we say?"


"Were you listening?"

"No. Sorry I just.... Sorry." I looked down at my hands. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Go call her, I will catch you up."

"Thanks Luke!" I said and stood up and ran out of the room.



"Hey Autumn!"

"Ash, I miss you so much!"

"I know. I miss you too."

"Can you please come home?"

"Autumn, you know I can't. But I really want to!"

"It's not fair!"

"I know, I just want to be with you and have our baby and get married!" I felt my voice brake. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin! Don't you start crying because I will start crying!"

"I'm sorry. I just miss you!"

"I love you!"

"Love you too!"

"Just please come home!"

"I will. Soon I hope."

"You better."

"Ok. I love you so much! Now. I have to go. Work."

"Ok love you." I hung up and walked into the room and finished the meeting.

"We love all of our fans and thank you all for coming out here and seeing us!" I put on a smile and performed my hart out. We walked off stage and I walked off stage and called Autumn, "Hey this is Autumn! Sorry I can't get to the phone right now. You know what to do!"

"Hey babe! It's me. Turns out I won't be home for another month. I love you so much. Please call me back. Love you." I hate time differences. I put my phone away and walked to the hotel room and plopped on the bed. "Hey Ashton, you want to twit cam?" Michael asked. "I don't know."

"That's weird. You love twit cams?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"We kinda promised them at the show."

"Right. Ok one sec. Let me take a shower." I stood up and walked to the shower. Can this month go by faster? I asked myself as we started talking to the camera.


I'm coming home! Finally! I missed Autumn so much. She has to be so lonely. I called her every day. When I could. The whole plane ride was full of mixed feelings and emotions. I walked off the plane and saw her standing there. He baby bump was smaller than I thought, "Hey Babe!" I ran over to her and hugged her. "I missed you!" She smiled as a tear ran down her cheek. "I know. I did too." I stroked her cheek and held her as close as I could. With out hurting her. I lifted her chin and said, "I have to know. What are we having?"


"A boy? Or a girl?"

"What? Boy or girl?"

The only reason // Ashton IrwinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora