Chapter 21 (few weeks later)

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Ashton's POV

Autumn is getting her cast off and then getting a boot. "Ready, I will dive."

"Okay, don't we leave tonight?"

"Yeah." I said as me and the boys loaded up Dave's band.I hopped in the drivers seat and flipped on the radio. "She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear!" Blasted and Michael acted like one of our wondrous fans. Calum and Luke were playing their parts on air guitars and Autumn was tapping her legs to the beat and singing along, I taught her well. I drove us down to the hospital and Autumn told us she would call us when she's done. "Okay bye." she smiled and went into the building.


"Don't we have the Kids Choice Awards tomorrow?" Michael asked as I pulled out of the parking lot. "Yeah, we are going to get slimed so much!"

"Well yeah, 2 thousand pounds of it." I laughed and pulled into a shopping center.

We walked in and I went straight to the jewelry store to pick up the bracelet I ordered for Autumn. While I was in there the engagement rings caught my attention. As I was looking, the woman who was running the store walked over, "Looking for a ring for a special someone?"

"No, I am just looking. Um I have an order for Ashton Irwin, the Vera Wang promise bracelet." she smiled and walks over to her computer and left me by the case. I looked at a ring that had a gorgeous diamond with small sapphires surrounding it and the matching groom's ring. I wasn't planning to propose, but for when the time comes I would have it. "Here you are, and I see you found a grate setting." the lady smirked and rang me up. I checked out and met up with the rest of the boys. "Why were you in the jewelry store?" Calum laughed and pointed to the bag in my hand. "No reason." I snapped and walked away as fast as I could. I made my way to Hot Topic when I was noticed, "There he is!" A fan yelled and before I could turn around a huge mob of fans were running at me. I ran into the store and asked the manager to lock the door. "Oh, sure." he said and then did as I asked. "Thank god." I mumbled and walked to the back of the store. I checked out the T-shirts and also how our stuff was doing. "Why did you ask me to lock the door?" The manager asked as he looked out the door to the girls pounding on the glass. "No reason, is there another way out?"

"Yeah out that door."

"Thanks as soon as I'm out you can unlock the door." I said and slipped back behind her Grumpy Cat merchandise and ended up in The Barns and Noble. I walked over to the Adult Fiction books and found the books Autumn was telling me about. She had said she had them on her Nook but also wanted them in hard cover. I picked up The Mortal Instruments Box set and walked out to the check out. "I love these books, have you seen the movie?" The lady said and handed me a movie with the first book title. "No."

"Would you like to buy it? It's a 15% discount off the books."

"Sure why not." I said and she scanned my items and handed me my bag.


When I found the boys Autumn had just texted me that she was done and ready. "Lets go." I said and started to walk out to the van. "You never answered my question, why were you in the jewelry store?" Calum walked up to me and tried to look in the bag. I tried to pull it away, but he pulled out the ring box and yelled, "Are you going to propose to Autumn!?" I snagged the ring back and snapped, "No, I just got it because maybe in the future I will. And stop yelling, you will get us mobbed and then we will never get to hang out with the fans anymore." Michael laughed and took the box from me and opened it. He wasn't paying attention to me when I took it back and pushed it to the bottom of the bag.

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