Chapter 8

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"Ashton Irwin." the doctor said as he walked in. I stood up and replied, "Yes, how is she?" He sighed, "Pneumonia, we have her on an antibiotic now. You were smart to bring her here when you did, if this had been any worse she would be dead in a fortnight." I sighed in relief but I still knew she wasn't going to be the same. "Ash, did you here that? She is going to be ok." Luke put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off and asked, "Can I see her? Please." he thought and flipped through papers on a clipboard. I felt the sweat run from under my bandana to my temple and down my neck. "She might not be awake, but I think that would be aright." He nodded and I held my self back from jumping up and down. Luke lead the way to her room, I couldn't help but feel bad for everyone here. My phone went off again with Dave's number, "Yes?"

"Ashton, were are you?"

"Dave, Luke and I are fine. We are just visiting a fan with pneumonia."

"Oh, but Michel and Calum are here with me on the bus."

"We'll tell them to come here then."

"Where is here?"

"The hospital on Abby Road."

"What is the fan's name?"


"Oh, I see, you are losing to me rant you? You are just seeing that over obsessive fan."

"No, she is really sick. Please Dave, let me take it easy for today. Do we have anything to do?"

"No, but we leave tomorrow so you need to pack up."

"I will do that later, please let me stay with her for today."


"Thanks." I hung up and walked into Autumn's room. The sound of her hart monitor was steady and pretty much the only sound besides her breathing. "How are you going to tell her?" Luke asked gesturing to Autumn. "Tell me what?" A groggy and tired Autumn moaned. "Hey, morning sleeping beauty." I laughed and sat down in the chair pulled up by the bed, "How you feeling?"

"Like I was just shot."

"Well you were with the antibiotic."

"What is it?"

"What is what?"

"What do I have?"

"Oh, um, pneumonia."

"Oh." Her eyes widened and she sighed. I was thinking how I was going to tell her that we were leaving soon. "What was is you were going to tell me?" She asked. I panicked and blurted, "We are leaving tomorrow!"

"What? Why was that so hard for you to tell me?"

"Because, we don't make many friends because we are always traveling and I didn't want too reck ours."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Please calm down."

"No! You thought that I would be upset and beg you not to leave. Well guess what, actually I am glad you are leaving!"

"What? Why?"

"You got me into this mess, the whole press-" she broke out into a coughing attack. I stood up and took a step closer to her, "Autumn, please. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Yeh? Well it did."

"Please, I am truly sorry."

"Just, just go away." She mumbled and turned her head away from me.

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