Chapter 27

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Autumn's POV

I didn't want to talk to Ashton about what I had done, and I think he didn't either. We watched Star Trek as he stroked my back. "Ashton, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You're fine, I get it, just please don't do that again."

"I promise."

"Thank you, I love you." he said and kissed me on the cheek. I nuzzled up to him and watched Wesley watch the message that his father made for him. I love Ashton and I don't know why I did that. I couldn't live with myself, even in the afterlife. "I don't like that Wesley kid." Ashton said and held me close. My useless legs sat next to me as I laughed. "Why?"

"I don't know, he just looks like the kid who would get every girl."

"He actually has a lot of trouble with finding love."


"Yeah, every time he finds love she ends up being an alien or just wants him just to get to the ship."

"Oh, I still don't like him. He looks like a Barbie."

"He has a cute baby face."

"What are you saying?"

"Are you jealous of a 16 year old, fictional character, actor, who is now like 30?"


"Yes, and yes I think he is cute then, but now he is ugly."

"Ok." he said and kissed me on the forehead and rubbed my back like I was a child. I love him and how much he understands that I didn't mean to kill myself if I did. "Why don't we join the others?" I asked. "Nah, I am starting to like Star Trek. Besides we still have to finish this episode." he said and put his hand on my waist. Even though I couldn't feel it, I could feel the warmth of his touch in my heart. I love that I made him a nerd. I must have fallen asleep, because I had the weirdest dream.

"Autumn, you should stay asleep."

"What? Who are you?"

"It's me Ashton."


"Me." a figure walked out of the shadows. It has the face of Ashton but it had the body of a bird! "Stay asleep forever."


"Why not? You love me don't you?"

"Yes, but the real you not the bird you!"

"Come here, let me show you what is real." it walked over to a table. I could make out a body, it was me! I was dead and pale. "That's not me!"

"No, not yet. If you stay asleep you will be."

"What do you mean?"

"You are dying."

"What? How?"

"Not telling."

"What? How?"

"Stay with me." it said and walked up to me and pulled me into its arms. "No!"

I woke up in a white room with bright lights around me. The sound of a heart monitor was in my right ear. I tried to sit up but my back killed. "Shit, what happened?" I asked just as a tear streaked, solum eyed, red faced Ashton peeked into the room. "Oh my god, I thought you were dead!" He ran in and enclosed me in a huge hug. "What happened?" I asked into his shoulder. He took a huge breath and said, "You and I where on the couch, watching Star Trek, and you feel asleep. I thought nothing of it. Then you stopped breathing, I tried to revive you but I couldn't. You where turning pail and I panicked." He said and straighten up and ran his hand through his hair. With his back to me I looked at my hands, pale, what happened? The doctor walked in and smiled. His face was kind but I don't know why I didn't like him. He walked over to my bed and checked the monitor. "Looks like the antibiotic is working to maintain you Oxygen levels."

"What happened to me?"

"Your spinal cord was bruised."

"Yeah, I knew that. I am temporary paralyzed."

"Well the spinal cord was bruised, and one of your ribs had splintered and punctured one of your lungs. I can't believe I missed that, well any way your lung started to full with blood. We had a operation to drain it. You are very lucky to have this young man as you husband." After his wordy expiation, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So you are telling me you missed a piece of bone in my lung and let me go!?"

"There was no immediate signs of a laceration."

"You this is you fault!"

"I am sorry I missed that, in the X-rays nothing was out of the normal except your spine."

"What the hell?" I asked and sat up. My chest hurt and I laid back down. I wanted to slap the doctor for missing this, but I knew I would be arrested for assault. "So what now, am I stuck here?" Ashton turned around and cupped my cheek with his hand and smiled, "You will be fine, we have time."

"No we don't, we have to be in Florida for another week or so."

"Week or so, not now." He smiled and wiped a tear from my face and kissed my cheek.




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