Chapter 19

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Ashton's POV

It was late when I woke up. I snuck out of the house, to where the branch broke. I took out the axe and chopped it up to kindling and walked it over to the fire pit. I never wanted to see that branch again. "Ashton, what are you doing out here this late?" Luke scared me when he walked out of the house. "I just wanted to get this branch out of here."

I see, but how is she doing?"

"She had surgery and will be out for a few weeks."

"Oh really!"


"I see you have a wrap on your hand."

"Oh yeah, I needed 10 stitches."

"Oh, man how are you going to be able too play?"

"I don't know, I will have to learn."


"No I'm fine."

"I don't believe that."

"How come?"

"The tone of your voice."

"How so?"

"You just sound like you think it's your fault."

"It was, I was the one that when up in the tree and made it brake."

"Technically gravity made it fall."

"Shut up." I laughed and shoved his arm.


We talked for another hour or so, because the sun was starting to rise. I stood up and walked in the house before my mom could notice that I wasn't in the house when she woke up.

We walked in and I stopped in my tracks. Autumn was sitting on the couch ,with her leg propped up, singing softly. I tipped toed over to her and sat behind the couch and listened to her voice. " But I'm still around...

I will always around...

and around and around and around.

I fly a starship across the universe divide

and when I reach the other side

I will find a place to rest my spirit if I can

Perhaps I will become a highwayman again

or I may be simply a single drop of rain

but I will remain and I'll be back again and

again and again and again..." She ended the song and let out a deep breath and leaned back on the couch. Her fingers barely missed the top of my head, Luke made it worse by saying, "That was amazing!" She jumped and hit my in the eye. "Guys why the shhh... shnap?" She said and winced. I stood up and walked around to get her an ice pack. " I am so sorry, I just wanted to hear you sing."

"Your fine, plus it's not you fault that this happened."

"I know, but..."

"No buts, butts are for sitting on not for excuses." She yelled at me. I say down next to her and stroked her cheek. "I am sorry this happened to you."

"Don't be, I still love you so much."


"You heard me, I would never stop loving you. Besides you and I are both fine and no one was killed or seriously hurt."

"You broke your ankle."

"I have done worse." She laughed and leaned over and laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and rubbed her knee. She kissed my check and, while keeping her leg straight, she curled up next to me. Noel pawed her cage and whined. "She might need a walk." Autumn laughed and shifted her wight. "I will take her on a walk in a little bit okay?"






The only reason // Ashton IrwinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz