"Fine, but you better not add morning workouts or I will never forgive you" Henri leaned forward and I froze.

"Maybe some chocolate cake?" his lips were barely moving. His eyes flickered downward. "That should lessen some of your hatred."

There was a wolf-whistle and we both pulled apart quickly. My face started to turn red.

Ezra was standing by the door with Thomas. Much to my dismay, Byron was with them as well.

Henri and I glanced at each other. We both looked like if we had been caught doing something bad.

"Did we interrupt something" Ezra commented with a smirk on his face. The worst part was that he was eyeing Byron.

"Nope just finishing up practice" Henri cleared his throat. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Riiighhhht. What body on body training" Ezra replied. Byron gave him a dirty look but didn't say anything. He stalked off towards the other end of the gym. He didn't bother looking back at us.

My stomach fell slightly that he was upset with me but I had told him earlier that there would be nothing else between us. I had to stick to my words. I would not go back on them.

"So are we going to have repetitions before dinner" I asked them. I helped Henri put away our equipment.

"Yes, we thought it would be better since Dr. Nan is going to supervise this session since we are all in trouble.

"Good idea, Dr. Beast is not a fun man to have detention with. He is" his voice trailed off.

"Alright" Dr. Nan walked in rubbing his hands. "Be ready to wish you had never gotten in trouble"

"Good luck" Henri gave me a one-armed hug. "I'll see you later" he hurried away.

Good luck" Henri gave me a one-armed hug. "I'll see you later" he hurried away.

"Get two swords and stand in a straight line" Dr. Nan pointed at the wall. We didn't say anything. "You are going to give me thirty rounds of Beast, my personal favorite. Fun fact, it is named after me with a set of five burpees in between each one. Got it."

"Sir" Ezra cleared his throat. "That is 150 burpees. We are going to crawl out of the gym."

"Next time, you watch what you say about the Guardians and you three next time don't let them out of your sight otherwise it will be worse."

I gritted my teeth pushing myself to complete the rounds. I took it one round at a time. Halfway through we are all half-naked. As I worked through the work-out, I wished that I was a guy so I could take off my shirt completely. I was working out in a sports-bra and luckily, I had some shorts under the cargo pants. It was a miserable workout. My entire body felt like if it was going to give out any second. I fell to the ground at each burpee and forced myself to get back up. After getting through half the work-out my arms were feeling heavy as I picked up the weighted swords.

"Very nice Ms. Burke, keep going. Almost done" Dr. Nan was walking around making sure that we were doing them properly.

"Keep moving" Dr. Nan yelled at us. "You are all more than halfway done, this work out should not take you more than half an hour. Move it" he clapped his hands.

Once I was done, I ran towards my water bottle. My hands were shaking as I tried to take a drink. The water splashed down my face, drenching me. I wiped my face up.

"That was miserable" Thomas grimaced as he bent over to pick up his water bottle. Ezra was taking deep gulps of water.

"Alright, go cool down outside. Walk around the gym and Mr. Miller, Mr. Joel and Ms. Burke- no more tattoos" Dr. Nan shook his head with a disapproving look. "You aren't even of age let alone old enough to get tattoos."

The Immortal Guardians: Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now