3. Is This Some Kind of Sick Joke?

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Chapter 3: Is This Some Kind of Sick Joke?

I stroll down the hallway with Carly next to me, babbling questions into my ear. Her aqua blue eyes fill with curiosity. She pushes her bangs out of her face and flashes an award-winning smile.

We near the Health room and I hear my name. My ears perk up and I turn to see Jake walking towards me. He smiles and I give him a soft smile back. 

Girls stare at us with jealousy but I brush it off.

"Hey," he says, looking me in the eyes. "Can we talk? Alone?"

He was clearly talking about Carly being there so she left, smirking at me.

"What's up?" I asked. I was kinda worried.

"I have an important question to ask you."

"Ya? Go ahead."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Wait, what? We've hung out almost everyday over the past few days, but I wouldn't consider them dates... Did he consider them dates?

That's not a bad thing, right?

But... Is this some kind of sick joke? That was kinda fast...I mean, I have been imagining this day for a while. I'm conflicted. 

My expression must have thrown him off because he looks a little taken back. Almost as taken back as I am.

"Vanessa?" He asks, worried.

"I'm sorry." I force out a small laugh to lighten the situation. 

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"Yes. It's a yes." I confirm. He breaks out into a smile and he walks me into the room.

Carly smirks at me as I walk towards her, clearly confused with what just happened.

"What did he say? Anything exciting?" She asks.

"Ya, but I'm kinda confused."

"What do you mean?"

Mrs Parker clears her throat. "Miss Smith."

She glares at me with disgust, which is surprising. But I guess she has the right. Mrs Parker hates it when people talk in class.

"Sorry! I needed to borrow something." I lie.

"And what might that be?" She crosses her arms.

"Uh.. a.. a pencil." I say quickly.

"Alright..." Mrs Parker continues. "We are continuing our unit today. Now since you have become comfortable with your partners, you will talk to each other about your family. Go to your usual spots and come back in 20 min."

We all nod and I turn to Carly.

"It was weird. He asked me a question and I'm surprised he asked it this early."

"What was the question?"

"Well," I get cut off by Jake clearing his throat. I look up at him and smile before getting out of my seat and giving Carly an apologizing look.

We walk out into the hallway and I see Adam approach my best friend.

"You wanna go first?" I ask him when we get to the hallway.

Jake rubs the back of his neck and bites his lip.


"Sure." He answers sheepishly.

"My parents are divorced but I have a 4 yr old sister, her name is Chloe." I smile. "I also have an older sister."

"How old?"

"My twin, actually."

"Cool." I'm a twin too! But, I don't say that. 

"She passed away." He mumbles. His words are filled with sorrow but he doesn't show any emotion. I can tell that there is more to the story but I remain silent, just in case. "What about your family?"

"My mom is a stay at home mom and my dad travels around the world for his job so I never really see him. My older sister is engaged and moved to California."

"How many years older is your sister?" He asks.

"Six years older. "

I ask about his younger sister and he smiles talking about her. Too cute. We head back inside and grab our stuff before heading out.

Carly is giving me a ride home so Jake walks me to the parking lot.

"You're not like other girls. You're different." He says.

"Cheesy much?" I joke.

He laughs. 

Oh my god his laugh is like music to my ears. 

"Sorry, but I like you. A lot." He rubs the back of his neck and I almost melt.


Blood rushes to my cheeks and stains them crimson red. I try to look in a different direction so that he doesn't see me blush. He chuckles softly. As I turn my head, I see Carly texting someone with a smile on her face.

"I feel the same way." I mumble, almost inaudible. He seemed to pick up on it because he gives me a soft smile. "I gotta go, thank you." I say and he kisses my cheek. The blush on my cheeks deepens and I walk over to my best friend.

She leans against her white convertible, deep into the conversation she's having with whoever is making her smile. 

"Hey, who you texting?" I ask

"Nevermind who i'm texting, what did he ask you? You left me in anticipation for the whole period!" she replies. We get in her car and wait for the traffic in the lot to settle down.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend..."

"That's great!"

"We only hung out like 3 times. And they were more of 'Hey, wanna grab Starbucks?' or 'Wanna walk around the park?' or something small like that. It wasn't like 'Get dressy because we are going to a fancy as hell restaurant' and he wasn't very open about much."

"Maybe he starts with the small stuff, then all of a sudden he invites you to go away with him for a weekend and takes you on a real first date. Don't sweat it. He might just be a simpler guy." She shrugs.

We leave the parking lot and head towards my house.

"I'm not sure Carly... What if it's all a big joke?"

"He doesn't seem like someone who would ask you out as a joke."

I sigh. "Alright." She parks in my driveway and we slump onto the couch when we walk in.

"How about this: we go to the carnival together. Me, You, Jake, and James. It starts today! You can confirm that it's not a joke" Carly suggests.

"Okay, not bad. I'll text Jake."

Me: Hey! Wanna go to the carnival with me and Carly? Bring James!

Jake: Sure. I'll pick you up at 5:30.

"We got until 5:30." I tell Carly.

"Good! I can curl your hair and we'll change your outfit. You look like you just came from school."

"I did." I chuckle.

"But we need Cute Vanessa, not I Can't Show My Shoulders Vanessa."

I laugh and we head upstairs to change my look.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed that chapter. 





Luv ya! 

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