6. Get Your Fat Head Out of My Fridge!

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Chapter 6: Get Your Fat Head Out of My Fridge!

I force myself to open my eyes and I'm greeted with sunlight. I squint and look around. My back aches due to the ball I put myself in on Jake's lap. My hair is in a messy ponytail and my feet are up against Carly's. She is sprawled on James's lap with the messiest hair I have ever seen. It looks pretty light out and my mom is gone. I glance at the kitchen counter and see a note.

I carefully get up and groan. I drag myself to the kitchen counter and pick up the sheet of  paper.

Dear Nessa,
I wanted to meet with my professor today so I won't be home till 10 o'clock at night. I saw a boy on our couch. He better not be your boyfriend. We will talk about this tomorrow and I want to meet him later no matter what. Have fun at work today! I hope you didn't forget! I texted Carly's parents and they said that she can spend the day with you after work. Have fun!

(Thanks for getting groceries.) she wrote sarcastically.
Love, Mom.

Shit. I completely forgot that I have work today. Jake is still sleeping so I decide to wake him up. I start shaking his shoulders until I hear him groan.

"Get your fat ass up! Where is your phone?" I ask him. I'm very grumpy in the mornings. Especially because I have work and I completely forgot.

"Ugh.... my phone is over there. Leave me alone." He points to the coffee table that is right next to the sofa. I rush over to it and turn on his phone. 12:40 pm. Shit. Not good.

By now, James is up but Carly is still asleep. Jake drifts off to sleep and James stares at Carly with a tint of admiration in his eyes.

"Stop staring at Carly and wake him up." I gesture to my sleeping boyfriend and start cleaning some of the popcorn that is left from last night.

"Yikes. Isn't someone cranky this morning? Why don't you wake him up?" James replies.

"James," I say, clearly irritated. "I have to get ready because I have to be at work in 20 min. I'm cranky because I hate being late. I don't have time for your crap." I say, agitated.

He doesn't say anything but starts shaking Jake's shoulders, just like I did. I run up the stairs and change before brushing my teeth. I change into a loose Aeropostale shirt and jeans. I throw a light sweater over my shoulders and grab a pair of earrings to wear. Afterwards, I spray some perfume on myself and grab my phone.

When I walk into the living room, I see Jake coming out from the bathroom and James in the kitchen, searching through my fridge. Carly is half awake and I have 13 min left on the clock. It takes about 10 min to get to the community park without traffic.

"Carly, you need to drive me to work. I can't be late."

"I'll drive you. Where do you work anyway? " Jake asks me.

"I work in the community park. You know how they have Feelings Hour from 1:30 to 3:00 on Saturdays? Well, I am the assistant of the manager who runs the activities. I dress up as Rapunzel, wig and dress, and play with kids or talk to them about their problems. Okay?" I explain as I walked to the kitchen to grab an apple.

"Oh! and," I start as I stand behind James. He is still looking through my fridge. "Get your fat head out of my fridge! Leave my kitchen and wake up Carly! " I yell in his ear. He groans and walks into the living room.

"Ok. Let's go. Jake, you know where to go right?"

"Of course. My mom takes my little sister sometimes."

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