7. PE Stands For Public Embarrassment

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Chapter 7: PE Stands For Public Embarrassment

I wake up on Monday, just like any day. My hair is in a side braid, so I have pretty waves when I take the braid out. I remove the covers and trudge to my bathroom. My bathroom is connected to my room. The other side of the bathroom is my older sister's old room. It is a Jack and Jill bathroom. I pick out an outfit to wear to school and do my hair.

My outfit consists of a loose floral top and high waisted jeans. I add some earrings and do my makeup.

I grab my books and stuff them into my bag before checking the time.

I hop down the stairs and walk over to the kitchen. My mom is gone, like she said, so I have the whole place to myself for the morning. I pour some fruit loops into a bowl and hear my phone get a notification. I run up the stairs and to my room. I always keep my phone charging beside my bed. I turn my phone on as I sit on my bed.

New Message.

Carly: Starbucks?

I quickly respond.

Me: Duh

Carly: 5 min

Carly and I go to Starbucks almost every morning. Yes, we are those girls.

Ding! Dong!

Perfect timing!

I open the door to see Jake's smiling face. He has the cutest smile! As usual, he is leaning against the door fame, looking like a sexy Greek god. I could see the sun reflecting off of his hair, his shiny brown hair. He notices me ogling at his face and he smiles even wider.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I am going to pick you up from school in the morning. Everyday." He replies sweetly.

"Well, if I were you, I would move your car from the driveway."

"Why?" Jake asks, confused.

"Carly is coming over to pick me up. We are going to Starbucks."

"I don't understand why I have to move my car."

I set down my stuff and imitate him by leaning against the inside of the door frame. I see her car down the street and smirk. "Wait for it. She is coming."


Carly parks on the side of the street and gets out of her car. She slams the door shut and starts walking up my driveway. Jake turns around and smirks whilst I look at her from Jake's left with my backpack on my shoulder and my wallet in hand, knowing that I am going to end up in Starbucks with Carly.

"Hi Jake. Do you like your car?" She said in a if-you-don't-move-your-car-I-will-smash-it-to-pieces-so-move-your-stupid-car tone.

"Ya. And I would hate for it to get crushed. But then again, who would crush it?" He smirks.

"Get out! " Carly growls.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I am driving my girlfriend to school. "

Girlfriend. It still sounds weird to me.

"You know that I have my drivers license right?" I ask him.

"Ya, but you don't have a car. So I'll drive you." He replies. He's so sweet.

"Listen up, Bucko." Carly put emphasis on the 'bucko'. "Vanessa is my best friend. I don't give a shit if you are her boyfriend or not. She comes with me. Capiche?" Carly grabs my arm and starts pulling me down my driveway and towards her car. I give him a sorry look and he shrugs.

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