12. A Real First Date Tonight?

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Chapter 12: A Real First Date Tonight?

"Wait, so you're saying that you have a mansion for a guest house and three cabins the size of a house by the lake? Wow! How rich are you?" Carly asks.

"Carly!" i say and elbow her in the hip lightly. She gives me the "sorry" look and turns to the car next to us. Let's just say that Carly is a backseat driver. She yells at all the cars around us and she has been for the past hour. She isn't exactly what you call a quiet person. It is a 3 and a half hour trip and we have half an hour to go.


When we get there, I am amazed. Their guest house is huge! The cabins are pretty big too. Wow.

"I'm in a cabin with Vanessa!" Carly says and runs to the cabin closes to us. On the right side of the mansion is our cabin. On the other side, are 2 other cabins. Probably Jake and James' cabin and his parents'. I can't believe we get to stay here for 3 days! The lake is so beautiful! I walk into the cabin. It is huge! Everything is made of marble, like the Taj Mahal. It's amazing. I go upstairs and see a hallway with rooms lined on each side. I see Carly unpacking in a room and I take the room across from her. The bed is a king size bed with pretty blue sheets. My fav color! Did Jake do that on purpose?

"Oh my god! It's walk in closet! Like a real one! It's huge!" Carly screams in joy.

I unpack and head down to the kitchen and open the freezer. Yes! There are like 5 pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!

"Carly! There's ice cream!" I yell. She rushes down the stairs and grabs one. She takes a knife out of a drawer and cuts the pint in half. She gives me half and plops down on the couch. She turns on Netflix and clicks on the first episode of Glee.

"You haven't seen Glee? The show is already over." I ask.

"Everyone tells me to watch it. So, i decided why not?" I laugh and leave the cabin. I run into Jake on the way to the guest house.

"Vanessa! Just the person I was looking for! I have a question for you."

"Ask away."

"What do you think about a real first date tonight?"

YYYYAAAAASSSS! YES! MY FIRST DATE! MAYBE EVEN MY FIRST KISS! I HAVE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS! I just find it weird that he asks for a first date after e asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean, coludn't you have taken me out for a real date before you asked me to be your girlfirend?

"That would be awesome!" I say in joy. I clear my throat and say, "I mean ya, that would be cool." I try to be cool, but I have a feeling it didn't work. He chuckles.

"Pick you up at 7?" I nod. He winks and walks away.

I rush back to the cabin and literally start squealing.

"AKE SKED EE OUT!!!!! REA ATE!!!!!" I squeal in gibberish.

"JAKE ASKED YOU OUT?? A REAL DATE??? OH MY GOD THAT'S GREAT! We need to get you ready!" She drahs me up the stairs and opens the closet I recently unpacked. "Oooh good! You packed 2 fancy dresses!"

She literally threw out some of my clothing. Like in the movies. You know when they trash your floor with clothing that "simply wont do"? Ya. Half of my closet was on the floor. She finally found a strapless purple dress. She added silver jewelry and a touch of makeup after curling my hair and letting me shower. Two hours later, I looked like my twin sister, Valerie. Valerie was always a little bit prettier, she had a face that glowed, flawless skin, the most gorgeous big brown eyes, and an award winning smile. I miss her. Unfortunately, she passed away.

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