9. You're Hot When You're Jealous

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Chapter 9: You're Hot When You're Mad

Don't get me wrong, I love Carly with all my heart! But what annoys me is that she won't tell me about her mystery guy, Adam Baker. 

Carly seems to really like this guy. I can tell. If only I knew who he was! He's obviously not an idiot, because that is a big turn off to Carly. But he can't be too nredy or she wouldn't be so into him. That means he must have a nice balance. But...

I come back to reality when Carly starts snapping her fingers in my face.

"Hello? Earth to Vanessa!" Carly exclaims.

"What?" I answer annoyed.

"Are you daydreaming about Jake? That is like a daily thing for you! But, you usually drool."

"What? No!" I say. "I was thinking. Plus, I don't drool when I daydream about him."

"You daydream about me? And drool?" Jake whispers in my ear. I blush like crazy and try to hide my face. He tries to supress his laughter but fails miserably. I give Carly a disapproving look but she still keeps laughing at me.

"I don't daydream! Or drool!" I whine.

"I think it's cute!" Jake says with an award winning smile.

"Really?" I ask, feeling a little better.

"Ya." He says sweetly. "Well, not really." He teases and I playfully slap his arm.

"Well, how nice of you to stop by but Vanessa and I have to go meet a boy." Carly says.

"Really? Right now?" I exclaim.

"Whoa! Hold up!" Jake says. "Another guy? Carly, why would you----"

Ooh. Possessive and jealous. It's so hot.

"Whoa! Calm down lover boy!" She interrupts.

"You're hot when you're jealous." I say without thinking. The minute I realize what I said, blood rushes to my cheeks and my eyes widen. Jake laughs and it's like music to my ears. 

"Well, you're hot all the time." He whispers in my ear. It sends shivers down my spine and I stand there in awe.

"He is a guy," Carly says. Jake tries to protest but my best friend doesn't let him. "BUT, he is not someone who is interested in Vanessa."

"He's Carly's boyfriend." I smirk.

"He's not my boyfriend." She informs.

"Will be soon." I sing and laugh at the shy look on her face.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere?" Carly asks Jake.

"Right. I gotta go check up on James. See ya later." He gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves while smiling.

"Peck on the check." I smile to myself.

"Wow, that was smooth. Started with a laugh and ended with a smile. That guy is good." Carly says while pointing her finger at him. "He's a keeper."

"I know! Now let's go meet your boyfriend!" Carly rolls her eyes at my comment while I skip down the hall, not knowing where I'm going.

"You are going the wrong way!" She screams. The words echo through the mostly empty hall. I quickly turn around and skip the other way. She joins next to me but instead of skipping, she walks whilst texting.


"Nice choice for food." I say to Adam. I look around and see booths lined against the wall. A waitress comes up to us.

"Hi! My name is Sofie. I'll be your server today. Welcome to Sal's Diner. What would you like to drink?"

"I'll just take water." I say politely.

"Same for me." Carly says, across from me.

"So three waters if that's not a problem." Adam says to the waitress. She smiles and leaves. I turn back to the happy couple.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Adam." I lean in, inspecting this guy. He seems very polite. Doesn't seem like someone who would go around breaking girls' hearts. His hair is swept back with gel, he wears a red and blue plaid shirt with a dark blue jacket on top.

"Well, I play soccer (Varsity), I'm going to Case Western to go into Pre-Med, I love dogs--"

"That's good." He laughs at my comments and goes to continue but I stop him. "What are your plans for Carly?" I ask bluntly.

"Vanessa!" Carly exclaims.

I laugh. "I'm kidding. As long as you treat her right, you're good." I wink and the waitress comes back so we can order our food.


"Do you need me to drive you home Vanessa?" He asks politely.

"Ya, actually. That would be great!" I smile.

He returns the smile and reaches for his wallet.

"I got it." I say and pull out my card.

"No, it's fine. I'll pay." He replies.

"It's my treat. You lent your time for me to get out know you, so let me." He simply nods and I place my card on the bill and wait for the waitress to take it away.

"I forgot to ask, do you have any siblings?" I say.

"Nope. I'm an only child."

"Cool." The waitress comes back and we make small talk whilst we wait.

She finally comes back and we walk out to the parking lot.

I get a text. 

Jake: Hey, where are you? Wanna go grab some coffee?

Me: Sure, I'm at Sal's. Pick me up?

Jake: of course! :)

I smile to myself and stop before we get to Adam's car.

"Thank you for offering to drive me home, but I'll let you two have some time alone." I wink at Carly and she blushes.

"Do you have a ride?"

"Ya, Jake is coming to pick me up." He smiles and I start walking in the other direction. "Have fun!" I yell from my spot and wait for Jake to pick me up.

I know this chapter is super short but I wanted to build up some suspense! Srry for typos!

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