22. Lola is a Criminal

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Chapter 22: Lola is a Criminal

Vanessa's POV

Within a week, Carly murdered their cars, Lola broke into their houses, Carly locked them out of their cars and houses, and Lola reset their phones. I gotta admit, they make quite the team, but I still feel bad. Breaking into their houses is illegal so technically Lola is a criminal.

She has done a lot to earn my friendship. She really wants to be friends, so I let her in. I haven't been talking to Carly lately. She really took the revenge to the next level. Like, she's crazy. Today, I'm convincing her to stop. I've been talking to Hunter and he thinks Carly should be ending her revenge about now. I called Violet and she said she's visiting soon so I can talk to her about it. I talked to my dad recently too. We caught up and it was really nice. I wish my parents never got divorced.

I walk up to Carly before our last period class.

"Hey Carly." I smile.

"Hey Vanessa."

"Can I talk to you?" I ask with a concerened look on my face.

She catches on and her smile fades. "Ya. Sure. What's wrong?"

I stare at Adam behind Carly and he walks away to leave us alone. "I was wondering when you would stop your revenge." I say meakly.


"Because you have done a lot already and I don't think they deserve it."

"You really want me to stop?"

"Ya." I say softly.

"Ok. If that's what you really want. I did it for you."

"I know, but I just don't like seeing anyone get hurt, even if they broke my heart."

"i know. I was just hoping that this situation was different. I'll tell Lola." She squeezes me into a hug and I wrap my arms around her.

The day ends with a few glares headed towards Jake and James and Carly making out with Adam. As I pack up my stuff, Lola comes up to me with a worried look on her face.

"Vanessa, can I talk to you for a minute in the bathroom?" She asks.

"Sure. I'll meet you there in 5." I smile. She nods and scurries off. I've never seen her like this. It must be important. She usually struts down the hall with confidence.

I meet her in the bathroom annd she makes sure that nobody else is there.

She whispers, "I have big news. And it's not good."

"ok... go on."

"You know how I snuck into James' house?"


"Well he caught me and we talked a littlle. He seemed drunk, but I didn't think anything of it. I went back to the person I was before and we had sex. It was all me. He said he wouldn't take advantage of me while intoxicated but I convinced him it would be fine. And...."

"And..?" I urge.

She gulps. "i'm pregnant." she says, barely audible. My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

She's pregnant.

She's pregnant.

Oh my god.

I don't blink. She waves her hand in front of my face and I snap out of my daze.

"Wow." I sigh. "Wow. Does he know?" She nods her head no and I let out another sigh. "Ummmm... ok.... well, have you been to the doctor?"

"Not yet. I haven't even told my parents."

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