27. Sorry I Look Like A Hobo

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The doorbell rings and I groan as I get up. I glance at my phone and it reads 2:30 am. Who would wake me up at this horrid hour? I swear to god, if it's Hunter, I'm going to kill him.

I drag myself out of bed and don't bother looking in the mirror. I go downstairs and open the door to see Jake with a brown beanie trying to hide his tousled hair. I can tell he's been running his fingers through his hair a lot. He wears a white t shirt with a Jean jacket hoodie thing and dark skinny jeans. Black Converse cover his feet. I look into his eyes and they start tearing up. I pull him into a hug and he sighs, trying to hold back tears.

"It's okay to cry, Jake." I say calmly.

I walk him up to my bedroom and sneak a peek at myself in the mirror. I wince as I see myself.

"Sorry I look like a hobo." I say and chuckle to lighten the mood but he doesn't say anything as he sits on my bed. "What's wrong?"

He doesn't say anything, but instead, he pulls me into another hug. I let him take his time, I know it's hard for him to open up. He pulls away and a tear runs down his face. He tries to wipe it away but I take his arm away from his face.

"It's okay to cry." I repeat. More tears stream down his face and he fights against me to wipe the tears off his cheek.

"I don't like anyone seeing me like this. Especially you." He says but avoids looking at me.

I lift his chin and he looks at me, as if searching for something in my eyes.

"I love you. I won't judge you." I say and his shoulders immediately relax.

"Hunter came over about a half an hour ago." He says.

"At 2 in the morning?"

"Ya. He came to my house to apologize. For everything."

I give him a confused face.

"Where should I start? Oh god, um..." he says to himself. "What do you want to know about first?" He asks me.

"Whatever you are comfortable with." I shrug. Please say Crystal, Please say Crystal! I don't want to sound like a jealous girlfriend.

"I'll start with Crystal. As you know, Crystal is my ex. She was the only other girl, besides you, who I loved." I tense and he clearly notices so he says, "I'm over her. Don't worry." I give him a small smile and he keeps going. "I used to be pretty good friends with Hunter when he first moved here and we both had an eye for Crystal, but I beat him to it. I knew he really liked her, but she picked me so I didn't feel bad. We went out, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and eventually I told her that I loved her. She said it back to me and I felt as if everything was perfect. Then, one day we were at a party and Crystal drank a bit. I was talking to Genevieve, my twin sister, and I didn't notice that Hunter and Crystal were gone. After a while, I needed to get my head straight so I went upstairs and walked into one of the rooms. I forget who's house it was at, but I walked in and so Hunter and Crystal making out. He took advantage of the fact that she was drunk. I broke up with her and I completely ignored Hunter for a while." He paused to make sure that I kept up with all of that and I simply nodded.

"Now for Genevieve." He sighs. "Genevieve and I were as close as siblings could get. Yes, she was annoying at times, but I loved her more than anything and I wouldnt give her up for a second. After the whole Crystal and Hunter thing happened, Genevieve told me that she liked Hunter. I told her about what happened but she thought that he was also drunk and thought that he was 'innocent'. We got in a big argument and she stomped away. After an hour, I tried to find her to apologize for being a jerk but she wasn't at the party. I asked around and apparently Hunter was driving her home, but I knew that Hunter had some drinks that night so I tried to get a hold of Genevieve to apologize and to warn her that he had alcohol in his system and was driving, but she didn't answer my phone calls or texts. Next thing I knew, I was at her funeral because Hunter got in a car crash. The funny thing is that he survived even though he was driving and she died on impact. I blamed Hunter for the whole thing and that's why I hate him so much. He killed my sister, and he took Crystal away from me. I didn't even get to apologize to my sister."

By now he was full on sobbing and I hugged him as his tears left a stain on my shirt.

"I'm happy that you told me." I say and sigh as I pull away. "What did Hunter say when he apologized?"

"He said that Crystal told him that we broke up and that's why they were together. I don't know whether or not to believe him, but it's over now. He also said that he didn't want to drive Genevieve home but she insisted because she didn't even want to see my face after I said a ton of horrible things about the guy she liked."

"Do you regret getting into that argument with her?" I ask.

"Yes and no. Yes because she was my sister. I hated seeing her unhappy and that night was the night she looked so mad but also sad at the same time and I hated it. I never wanted her to look at me like that. But I also don't regret it because I think that everything happens for a reason. I might not have ever met you if that didn't happen." He says and holds my hands. "The accident led to my hatred of Hunter and if that didn't happen, we wouldn't be here right now." He gives me a small smile before kissing my hands. "I love you."

I smile back at him. "I love you too. Can you tell me more about your sister?" I ask meakly.

"I'd love to. She was perfect. The perfect person. The perfect sister. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, similar to yours, and the perfect smile. She was beautiful, similar to you in that category." I blush and he chuckles.

Jake keeps telling me about his sister and throws subtle compliments my way, making me blush.

We talk till 5 and end up falling asleep.



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~ Ish

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