2. How About We Bet $100?

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Chapter 2: How About We Bet $100?

Jake's POV

I gotta admit, Vanessa's chill. She seems like a genuine person and I'm actually kinda looking forward to this project.

I sit on my couch in the basement and grab a controller. James sits next to me and reaches for a controller as well while I turn on the XBOX.

"I heard Eric got with Natalie over the weekend." James says as we load up the game.


"Yep. Doesn't want to stay pure for college. Neither of them." He shrugs.

"Well, that's not a problem for you, now is it?" I joke and he glares at me.

"Don't hate." His failed attempt at a comeback makes me laugh.

"What do you see in Lola anyways? She's an absolute bitch."

"She's seductive. She grabs my attention. At least I don't sulk around and wait for a girl to come to me."

"I don't wait! I just don't chase."

"Oh really?" James challenges. 

"Tell me the last time you talked to a girl, romantically."

I hesitate. "Alright, so it's been a while since I have flirted with someone, but I'm honestly not looking for a fuck buddy like you are."

"First off, not fuck buddy." He points out and I roll my eyes. "And second off, there are such things called girlfriends." He mocks and I glare at him. "I have a proposal." He says after a bit of thinking.

"And what might that be?"

"Actually, it's more of a bet to get you back out in the the world of romance." I roll my eyes. "I bet you can't ask Vanessa out and keep a healthy relationship for 2 months. Key word: healthy."

I can totally pull that off. But, am I ready for a relationship? Even if it's fake?

What the hell! Why not?

"It's on! But lets do our bet a different way. I bet you can't flirt or have sex with Lola for 2 whole months." I say with a smirk on my face. 

"Whatever. I can totally pull not having sex for 2 months. I'm not as horny as you may think. So wha---" he tried to reply.

"So you can't stop flirting huh?" I teased.

"Oh please! Don't get so ahead of yourself. At least I know how to flirt. How about we bet $100?"

"Deal. I don't think you'll survive." I smirk.

"It's easier to avoid a relationship than to form one."

He does have a point. I probably should've thought this through. She doesn't hate me, I know that for sure. She seems to smile at me a lot in the halls.

"If I were you, I'd make a move now. The school year ends in 2 months."

"Fine. I'll text Vanessa now to meet."

"Go ahead. But ask her to be your girlfriend this week, see if she'll say yes. I highly doubt that, but if you can make her say yes, be my guest."

"Sent." I say satisfied.

She texts back pretty fast and we make plans to meet in 15 minutes.

"I'm going to go meet her now." We walk up the stairs and I lead him out my front door.

"You sure you can do this?" James asks.

"Of course I can. But, don't you think it's kind of rude? What if i hurt her?"

"You won't. As long as you don't make her completely fall for you." He rolls his eyes. "As if that's ever gonna happen." He smirks and I smile sarcastically.

I lead him out the door and drive to Starbucks. I see Vanessa waiting for me. I take a chance too look at what she was wearing today. She sits on a stool in a casual floral top with skinny jeans. Her long brown hair rests on her shoulders and her jeans accent her curves. Damn, she has a great body. 

I casually walk over and see her texting her friend. I clear my throat to get her attention. She looks up at me with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Her pink lips form into a smile and her perfectly white teeth shine.

"Hey! Sorry about earlier, I feel like I didn't get to know you very well." I say.

"Ya, I agree. It's like we were obligated to talk about our future." She replies.

I can flirt. James, suck my ass. I'll win the bet and then we'll see who's laughing.

We talk and she seems to open up to me about what she likes to do. I try to make the conversation about her but I can tell that she was trying to get to know me. 

Eventually, she needed to go home so I offered to drive her home. Being the nice girl she is, she politely declined thinking it was too much. I kept insisting to drive her home, and eventually she gave into my charm and I dropped her off at her house. 

I take note of her address just in case. I know that sounds stalkerish but I want to win this bet and the only way to win, is to get close to her. As I drive home, I see James' car parked in my driveway.

"I thought I led you out of my house" I say as I walk up the driveway. James leans against my front door, waiting for me.

"You did. I'm not inside your house." he answers like the smart ass he is.

"Why are you here?"

"I want information. I want to see what I'm up against."

"It was two hours. Nothing really happens or progresses in that short of time."

"Really? Then the details should be short and simple."

"We talked, I gave her a ride home. Short and simple."

"Ask her out?'"

"Of course not! I don't want to sound like a creep. "

"2 months from this Friday is the end of the school year. You better make your move because I don't think you want this to last into the summer. Just a heads up."

"Okay. Got it. Now get out of my driveway."

I watch as James drives down the street and onto the road. I unlock my house door and walk to my bedroom, thinking about what I was going to say to Vanessa the next day.



I know that this chapter was kinda crappy but I don't want to get into too much detail quite yet. Even though this chapter wasn't the best, please vote if you liked it! I would love to read your comments too!

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