Chapter 25: The Demon

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Tsubaki pov

After yesterday's incident Naruto left with Hikaru and Jiraiya . Sasuke and Sora have been mastering jutsu's I've given them . Aia has been getting competitions from Konohamaru and has been learning at the academy . Midnight left a short while after Naruto did and I've been at home reading books . The last book I haven't finished yet . The Otsutsuki's history. I've mastered most of the jutsu's in the book and memorized the history. What I didn't learn I at least had a grasp on how to do . Then I got an Idea . How about I go catch myself a demon? On one of the chapters , it said that like the tailed beasts , there are demons . Some have horns like me and a tail while others have different features distinguishing what type they are. Rulers . They have five great rulers.

2.Ten Tails
3. Kurama

I wanted whichever one I could get. I shouldn't be able to get any of the failed beasts so that just left the No.1 . I left the house and went to a clearing . Nice and peaceful . No distractions . I did the hand seals shown in the book and a poof of smoke came . I looked up from my sitting position to see a girl with her bangs tied up in a small hair band and Kakashi like white hair and a bored look on her face. The little girl wore a light blue kimono with her arms connecting through it and her arms were covering the pale purple eyed girls mouth. "Whatcha need?" Her soft voice asked. Then I saw she had small black horns on her head. She looked at least ten too! "What's your name?" I asked her in a stern voice demanding authority. "Toga." She said . I deadpanned . The Toga ? The one that was named the most powerful demon out there? What have I gotten myself into?! I nodded in response . That means she's probably older then me. And I'm old . "You ok?" She asked bending down to my face. I suddenly felt my cheeks tint pink . "Y-Yeah." Why did I stutter?! I never stutter. I could see a tiny smile on her face then she sat next to me . "So did you summon me?" She asked . I looked at her eyes and nodded . "I can tell you're an Otsutsuki . By the looks of it, you're as old as me." She said to me with a smile . Then I felt my cheeks get pinker. I nodded again . "Tsubaki . My n-names Tsubaki." I told her with a small stutter . "Camellia. Pretty." She said . Then she put her head on my shoulder . I knew my face was a red tomatoe . "Well then Tsubaki Otsutsuki , you're my new best friend . I'll stay by your side until I die." She stated . I shook my head and Toga looked at me curiously. "Don't do that. Just be there for me." I asked of her . My voice was soft and I knew I was smiling but didn't know why. Toga blinks at me then looked again . She then smiled and hugged me. I guess she'll live with me from now on. Good thing I have a spare room. "Do you wanna love with me?" I asked her . This time I didn't stutter. Her hug tightened then I got a light yes. I picked her up bridal style and we ran through the trees until we got to the house . I set her on the ground in front of it . Toga opened the door to see Sasuke and Sora on the couch and Aia in between them . Just normal kids. "We have a new family member." I told them then the all looked up to see Toga looking away . "Toga. Just Toga." She said with a smile. Aia went over to her then got on her back . "You look just a little older then me. Where are you from?" She asked her . "Toga's a demon I summoned that I can't un-summon. Now she lives with us." I told the genin. They all looked at me while I played with Toga's black horns . Sora gained her composure quickly while Sasuke was still processing what I had said. Aia looked like she went braindead bit the lightbulb in her head flickered till it turned back on. I led Toga upstairs then showed her around . Next, I show her Konoha.

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