Chapter 19: The exam

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3rd pov

It's was night at Tsubaki's home . Sasuke, Sora and Aia were on the couch . Tsubaki was out looking for Naruto . It was late and he never stayed out like this . She might sound like an overprotective parent but she isn't . She went to go speak with lord Hokage when she saw the crowd . "Lord Hokage ! It's Naruto! He's stolen the scroll of sealing!" One chunnin told him . Tsubaki knew exactly where to look . She ran for a little bit when she came upon a clearing . In the clearing , Iruka was on top of Naruto with a big Shuriken stuck in his back . Mizuki was smiling like a psychopath.

Tsubaki pov

Mizuki...He told Naruto what's in him . Iruka's hurt and Naruto still had the scroll . He looks beaten . He was practicing a jutsu . I jumped down and hit Mizuki in the face with my leg . He went flying into a tree and was knocked out by the hit . I turned behind me to see Iruka on the ground and Naruto staring at me. "Naruto...don't be so gullible." I told him . I went over to Iruka and healed the stab wound on his back before it had gotten infected .   He winced in pain once he sat up but I was already gone . I took the scroll from Naruto before he could react then drag Mizuki by the leg . When I got to where Hiruzen was there was a bunch of Chunnin and Jonin ready to pounce . One was Kakashi . Kakashi our back his Kunai once he saw it was just me . "What are you doing Kakashi?!" A woman yelled . She had black hair and red eyes . Hiruzen put his fingers up signaling to stop . "Relax Kurenai. She's an ally." Kakashi told her . I dropped Mizuki leg and pointed "Him. He convinced Naruto to take the scroll and told him the nine tailed fox was inside of him." I told him then threw the scroll to Hiruzen . "Naruto learned the Kage no bunshin. That should be enough for him to pass the genin exam right?" I asked . The Hokage sighed in defeat and nodded . I put on a small smile then left walking from shadow to shadow . When I got gone I was greeted by a hug from Naruto . "Thanks Tsu-San!" Naruto said as he tackled me . Then Aia came . "hug!" She yelled . I smiled at her attitude then got up . Sasuke and Sora gave me a look asking what happened. I sighed like Hiruzen then signaled for them to follow me upstairs . Then we went to my room and I explained . Without Aia in of course . "Naruto has the nine tailed fox sealed inside him by the fourth Hokage when he was born . There was a decree that pasted saying that telling anyone this means treason. Thanks to the nine tails naruto has amazing Chakra reserves he needs to control . That's why he can't do jutsu's correctly . Sora , Sasuke . I'm counting on you two not to tell anyone this and for you to look out for naruto . If Naruto ever comes close to dying or the nine tails corrupts him The seal on his stomach is going to fade and then it means hell. The nine tails might break free and kill everyone in sight ." I told them . Sasuke and Sora absorbed the information then nodded . Naruto however , paled at my statement and shook his head to get whatever he's thinking out . "Amaterasu already knows so don't worry about her." I finished . Ama was sleeping in her room . She's lazy . "Oh, an Naruto?" I called him abc he turned around with the twins before leaving , "here , I talked to the Hokage." I said while handing him a regulation headband. He smiled and jumped up and down . Ama came in the room next "Wha happened?" She barely yawned out . "I told them." She nodded them smiled at the group . "Goodnight." I told them before heading to bed . I won't let Naruto and Sasuke kill each other.

The next day Sora pov

The next day Me and Sasuke left and got to the academy first. We enjoyed the comfy silence until students started to fill the room. It got loud and even louder when Naruto came in. "Naruto? Why are you here? This is for people who graduated." Shika asked him. Naruto huffed and showed him his regulation headband flaunting it around . "H-hey Sasuke-Kun? Can I sit next to you?" Sakura asked with her cheeks tinted red . It was a horrific sight to see . Poor Sasuke . On the receiving end . "No." He said rather bluntly and coldly then was necessary. She looked sad but then shrugged it off as him just being cool . Then Iruka-sensei came in . He looked a little pale but that would prove that what Tsubaki Said was actually right . "Congratulations class. After today, I'm longer your sensei. You will be taught by an elite ninja . A Jonin , you will all be the lowest rank , genin ." He explained . Then Iruka-sensei said that one team was going to have four. "Team seven...Naruto Uzumaki..." Naruto jumped for joy "Sakura Haruno..." Naruto was happy while Sakura was sulking. "Sasuke Uchiha..." The roles reversed . "And Sora Uchiha." He finished . So I'm with nine tails, fan girl and my tolerable twin. Iruka sensei went on . Shika with Ino and Choji , and Hinata with Kiba and Shino. I think our team will be a complete mess.

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