Chapter 14: The Uzumaki and the meeting

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3rd pov

Today Was a new day . Midnight decided to visit all the hidden villages . Amaterasu is in the academy and Hikaru is paying The village hidden in the leaves a visit . Tsubaki is currently browsing stores by the streets and see's Naruto  . He's playing ball all by himself . "You wanna play ?" Tsubaki asked as she held out her hand to naruto while smiling . She didn't pity the boy , she wanted to actually be his friend . He grinned like midnight then nodded . And that's how Tsu and Narito spent The last ten minutes . Adults were whispering about the Otsutsuki but she didn't seem to care . After a few more minutes of playing ball Tsu asked "Hey naruto, wanna meet my friend with me? He's supposed to be this cool ninja!" She exclaimed . She wasn't acting or lying . She was genuinely happy and was going to go meet Hikaru . Naruto was captured by curiosity when she said the word ninja. "Yeah !" He said . He ran to a training ground where they saw two men . Iruka and Hikaru. Naruto flinched when he saw his sensei from the academy . He was skipping today and didn't think he was gonna get caught . "Hikaru!" Tsubaki called out waving . Both Shinobi turned to see a tip toeing Naruto. "NARUTO!" Iruka yelled as he ran over and took Naruto by the back of his shirt and held him over his shoulder. "Put me down Iruka-Sensei!!" He yelled but Iruka did nothing but yell back . "WELL THEN DONT SKIP CLASS!" He yelled with a vein showing up on his forehead . Tsubaki seemed confused about the situation but then put things together . 'Naruto skipped school and just got caught by his sensei' she thought . While she was deep in thought Iruka walked off and Hikaru came over and hit Tsu on her back making her stumble . "Wha was that for?" She pouted . "You were ignoring me Onee-San ! Or should it be Akuma no Kodomo?" He chuckled at her . What was new to her was that he learned her name from the bingo book . He smiled then put his elder sister on his back then started walking over to Ichiraku ramen . He knew how much she loved their ramen and he did too . Perfect meeting place for the two ramen lovers . "Two miso soups!" Hikaru called out waving to Teuchi . As they ate ramen he two shared a conversation that would seem like mumbles or gargiling to some people but to them it was a conversation so clear they didn't even hear anything else . To them this was quality family time . When one smiles after a mumble or the others incoherent sentence someone in the area would sweatdrop at how well they understood each other . After the petite Tsubaki is on her 25th bowl she hears a thud and looks to see Hikaru had his head on the table  after finishing his 12th bowl . He looked dead from all the ramen he had . After Tsubaki slurped you her 25th bowl Teuchi clapped and said "Congratulations! You've broken Naruto's record for how much ramen you can eat . He said , he snapped a photo of the smiling Tsu and her 25 bowls . "Can we go for dangos later?" Tsubaki asked her little adopted brother . "I- don't think I can handle that..." Hikaru barely finished as he made an 'x' with two of his fingers . Tsubaki sighed as she hit a Chakra pressure point on his shoulder . He then jumped and go up full of energy like what he just said a few moments ago never even happened . He payed for all of it then picked up his older sister once more and headed to their house.

At the house

"What?! You adopted another one?!" Hikaru asked in disbelief. "So what of I have a spot for them..." Tsubaki explained turning away with her cheeks tinted pink . Then she heard a giggle then turned around to see Amaterasu standing in front of the door. "Ama. This is Hikaru . I guess you can say he's your brother?" Tsubaki said scratching the side of her head with her finger. Amaterasu walked over a smiled at him then hug him. "I got a Nii-San then !" "Yeah!"

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