Chapter 4: The assassination attempt

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3rd pov

It's midnight on the peaceful newfound, Konoha . Though in Hokage tower , Hashirama and Tsubaki have it horrible . Hashirama's suppose to marry Mito next week and he didn't plan anything .

Food: unplanned
Ring bearer : unnamed
Bridesmaids: Mito chose
Best man: Tobirama
Flower girl: Tsubaki ( Reluctantly)
Guests: unnamed
Priest : unnamed

Practically anything that involves the groom is unplanned or named . As they were working things out they felt a faint chakra .

It could be that of a little child with no ninja skills . Though they could tell . How close it was , with how they JUST sensed it . It was an assassin coming for Hashirama. Maybe even Tsubaki too.

The two stopped what they were doing and or a seal on the door . Tsubaki literally faded into the shadows and watched as Kakuzu came out . He attacked Hashirama head on . His stitches attacked him for a while .

'He's immortal.' Tsubaki thought . As they thrashed around , fighting , Tsubaki used her Byakugan to see inside him . She came out from behind and pulled out the stitches. 'They'll grow back. Maybe.'

Tsubaki was thinking . She hit chakra points and Hashirama stabbed him in the heart . She knew he would probably fake his death then escape . He was just taken down in under 10 minutes .

The next day~|

As Hashirama and Tsubaki finished burying the supposedly 'dead' body they remembered . They still had to complete the weeding preparations . You would think Tobirama would help out but he gave a huge lecture about responsibility.

As he talked Hashirama unprofessionally zone out . Apparently, Madara 'couldn't care less' even though he was attending the wedding . Izuna has gotten the flu . They couldn't tell Mito because she would become angry . The elders won't help them on 'trivial matters' and they have no one else .

The other Senju's turned him down because they didn't want Tobi blabbering to them too . The Uzumaki would tell Mito or her father . The other Uchiha's don't trust the man child for killing their kin . They had no one to turn to . It was gonna be one crappy wedding...

Wedding time~

It's was the wedding day . Hashirama on one side of the bribed priest and Tobirama behind him . The ring bearer was a Senju kid that looked up to Hashirama . Tsubaki wore a the most formal thing she could find it was a bright colored with yellow , green , white , and pink.

(It actually smaller cause of her size)

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(It actually smaller cause of her size)

She held right lilac flowers which could make anyone look in awe . She threw the petals around formally and put on her best fake smile . She couldn't stand all the people staring at her. Tsubaki's pale  face tinted pink from all the attention .

The head of the Uchiha chuckled at the sight. Her pale orbs staring at the ground , clearly uncomfortable. That's what made it adorable. As she reached the arc she went behind Mito and stared at the vows of love in front of her . And with Hashirama's two words...

"I do."

He gave his freedom away . "You may kiss the bride." The priest finalized . And the two shared a passionate kiss of love. 'Bleh' Tsubaki imagined. She couldn't stand lovey dovey stuff more then pink . It was her greatest hatred of all . 'They say love conquers all. My mother and nephews love for power killed them.'

She thought . 'Maybe I should visit another dimension after I know things will be safe. Just a two day trip.' Tsubaki visualized . Her in a secluded library reading about the history of that world. Writing it in her own diarie- journals for her to pass down to worthy people .

When everyone clapped (including Madara !)
Tsu-Chan threw the remaining petals I the air above to newly weds .
Mito giggled at the beautiful gesture while Tsu-Chan and Hashi had a staring contest . Tsu gave a look saying 'I'm not picking that up.' And Hashi glared screaming with his eye, 'YOU WILL!' . It was a clash of titans . This glare contest will go down in history .

As Tobirama cleared his throat he put a hand on Hashi's shoulder making him blink . Tsu smirks at her victory and smiled at the bridesmaids giving her a curious look.

It was innocent , kid friendly , kind , and content . The total opposite of what she felt like doing at that certain moment .

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