Chapter 31: Trashed

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"Which alpha have you been hanging out with?"

The look of disapproval on Jungkook's face did make Yoongi's heart sink a little.

"N-no I did not-" Before Yoongi could even finish his sentence, Jungkook cut him off.

"You did not? Then why do you have someone else's scent and not mine?"

The red in Jungkook's eyes were starting to scare Yoongi a little. But Yoongi did not want be intimidated. He did nothing wrong, he needed to stand his ground.

"Jeon Jungkook, I did not hang out with any alpha!" Yoongi was genuinely pissed after thinking that Jungkook was accusing him of cheating.

"Then explain. You did not want to be with me and you said you hated alphas but now I can smell another asshole's scent?!" Jungkook was walking towards Yoongi.

Yoongi instinctively walked backwards, distancing himself from the older.

"Explain! You hate alphas right? I'm you're fucking mate and you are scared of me."

Yoongi tried to explain but Jungkook kept cutting him off.

"I'm here having my rut but now you're whoring youself out-"


The sound was loud and clear through the hallway. Yoongi was holding back his tears.

A red mark was starting to bloom on Jungkook's left cheek. Jungkook looked at Yoongi with disbelief. This was the first time Yoongi had slapped him.

"Jeon Jungkook. You said it yourself, I am your damn mate but now you are accusing me of being a whore? You are proving me a point now Jeon. All you alphas are the same. I fucking hate you alphas."

With that Yoongi just left, not losing the opportunity to 'accidentally' bump into Jungkook's shoulder.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were confused seeing Yoongi left abruptly. They tried to stop him but Yoongi just said he wanted to go home.

While Yoongi was in the taxi, he aggressively wiped his tears away.

'Why the fuck am I crying over a stupid guy. This is what I get for believing he was different."

Yoongi was cursing Jungkook and himself all the way back home. His wolf tried to communicate with him but he blocked his wolf out.

When he reached home, thankfully all of his family members were asleep.

The moment he stepped into his room and locked his door, he trashed the whole room. He wanted to realise his anger.

Jungkook knew how much he hated being accused. Jungkook knew how much he hated being called a slut or whore because of his second gender. Jungkook knew how much he hated alphas.

Jeon Jungkook told him he would treat him differently. He swore to protect him from other alphas.

But guess what, the person who swore to never judge him became every other asshole alpha just because he was going through rut.

"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook! Fuck you stupid true alpha! I was stupid to think you are different! Asshole! I wasted my fucking emotions and time on you! That scent was your best friend god dammit! Did your rut make you that dumb?! You promised to never judge me! "
"I thought you swore to never judge me..."

Yoongi fell face first onto his bed. His blanket soaking up his tears. From anger to sadness. Why did everything felt like he was a teenager again?

Yoongi had never cried so hard in his entire life.

He never cried when alphas in high school messed with him.

He never cried when alphas in his school called him useless.

He never cried when there was a rumour in school about him being an alpha slut.

He never cried when he was almost assaulted by an alpha in high school.

He never cried over any stupid alpha but now he was sobbing in his trashed room over a true alpha.

"Why do I always end up hurt? Why is it always me? What did I do to deserve being an omega? Why can't I be an alpha?"

After almost half an hour of crying his eyes out, he just laid on his bed.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

When he looked at the clock, it was almost 11pm. He laid in bed, mind blank for hours.

He pushed himself up and walked to open the door. He saw Yongho standing in his doorway with chips and black plastic bags in hand.

"You done trashing your room? Want me to help you clean up?"

Yoongi swore he burst out crying in a second after hearing what his brother said. Yongho just hugged his brother, lending him a shoulder to cry on.

"Why do I love him hyung?!" Yoongi yelled into his brother's shoulder.

"Because you are his mate." Yongho replied while rubbing Yoongi's back.

"Why is he so stupid?!"

"Yes yes he is the most stupid person knows earth."

"Why can't he control his damn emotions?!"

"He is still learning to control his wolf side."

"Why do I have to cry over him?!"

"Because you care about him Yoongi."

This conversation happened while both the boys were at the doorway. Yongho felt like his duty as an older brother now was to confront and calm Yoongi down.

After that, kick Jungkook's ass.

After Yoongi was done ranting while crying, both boys started to clean up the messed up room.

Yoongi felt extremely grateful to have such a great older brother. Although his brother always messed with him and was overprotective of him, Yongho always was there to comfort him whenever something happened.

:I'm sorry for making everything suddenly so angsty. I swear I will make things up eventually but Yoonkook is just going through a tough time. Curse my midnight brain for making his angst. I have not proofread yet but I will in the morning but now it's like 2 am. Also lately I feel like I will have a mental breakdown anytime now because school is going to reopen soon and what is going on with the world now but I'm going through it. Everyone stay safe. That's all from me byee:

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