Chapter 25: Change

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"You're different all of a sudden."

Jungkook was caught off guard by Yoongi's statement. Jungkook hid his face in the nape of Yoongi's neck.

"I'm done with everybody judging me for not being 'alpha' enough." The disappointment in Jungkook's voice was evident.

"Does it bother you that much Kookie?" Yoongi rubbed small circles on Jungkook's hand. Yoongi's back is still facing Jungkook because he thinks Jungkook will open up more with them not facing one another.

"Personally, I don't really care until I met you Yoongs." Yoongi was not expecting that answer from Jungkook.

Yoongi started to have a lot of negative thoughts. Did he push Jungkook until this point?

"Babe, don't worry. It's not your fault. I really hate it when other dumb guys objectify you in any way just because of your status. I just want to protect you." Truthfully speaking, Yoongi's scent calmed Jungkook down by a lot.

"Kookie... You don't have to protect me. I can protect myself." Yoongi felt sad that Jungkook thinks he cannot protect himself.

"Fuck society right?" Yoongi chuckled a little, Yoongi remembers the time he rant about 'fuck society' and 'stupid hierarchy'. Naturally, that became their inside joke.

"Yoongi, it's not that I don't believe you can protect yourself, I don't believe in other people." The silence engulfed them again.

Jungkook whispered, just quiet enough that only Yoongi can hear.

"I'm afraid of losing you."

Yoongi turned around and cupped Jungkook's face. "We're fated for each other. Nobody can steal me away. We after ment for each other."

Jungkook moved forward and kissed Yoongi. Their kiss was slow but full of love. There is no lust, no aggression. Just love.

After a while, they pulled away with their forehead still together. Naturally, their hands were laced together.

There is something Yoongi will not admit, at least not at this point of time. It is that, Yoongi has turned much softer after getting with Jungkook.

How he cursed less, he started to be more comfortable with his scent and natural instincts, he became less awkward with skinship and lastly, he was accepting the fact that Jungkook and him are mates.

"Yoongi, please don't get mad at me." Jungkook whispered.

"Silly, of course I will not get mad at you... but next time you wanna be a 'true alpha', at least give me a heads up."

"I... can't." Jungkook clearly was hesitant. Yoongi asked him the reason.

"My dad has always told me that almost all alphas will start of being childish, naive, aggressive or just overall dumb and not caring about other people's feelings or opinions. Most often than not, a lot of alphas can't control their emotions, especially for true alphas." The way Jungkook spook was calm, but their was a hint of fear. Maybe fear of losing control over his emotions.

"My dad, also a true alpha, has always advised me on how to control myself, but mostly to make me less aggressive... but that is a whole story by itself." Jungkook dry laughed a little. Yoongi could hear the pain in his laughter. Did Jungkook have a past he never knew about?

"As I grew up more, I became more soft, especially in highschool. People call me a soft boy." Jungkook smiled, remembering the great time he had when he was in highschool with his friends.

"But my dad did say, once I meet my mate, I will start to be more in contact with my natural side. Having more possession over my loved ones, especially my mate, being more dominant, having more paternal instinct and others too. This happens to a lot alphas, if they get to find their mate. So, kitten, just to tell you first, please... please still love me even if I changed." This is really the first time he has heard Jungkook being so vulnerable and open about himself.

"I will Kook, no matter what. I will stay by your side to support you, and I believe you will change for the best and in a more positive way."

Yoongi's reassurance made Jungkook felt much more calm, he has not felt so calm in such a long time. Yoongi is just what he needs in his life.

Jungkook placed a small peck on Yoongi's lips and thanked him for believing in him, even though he does not even believe in himself. Slowly, Jungkook started to drift off to sleep.

Yoongi smiled, seeing how peaceful the bunny-like male looked. He caressed Jungkook's soft locks, enjoying the silence.

"Bunny, I have a secret... you changed me too, for the better. I'm secretly happy that I play such an important part in your life. I will never leave you but please... don't ever leave me." Yoongi said all those words that he never got out of his mouth when Jungkook is awake and listening because he does not want to be seen as clingy or dependant on Jungkook.

Eventually, Yoongi fell asleep too.

"Your secret is safe with me kitten."

;heyy. This chapter is shorter and more simple but I wanted to make a more intimate and deep chapter for Yoongi and Jungkook to bond in. No drama, no angst. Just love. I don't know, maybe I am in the mood for a more simple, sweet love. I hope you guys liked this chapter. You guys can comment your thoughts about Jungkook's change and their relationship. So, remember to comment and like 💕 byee;

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