Chapter 14: Post

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Yoongi hid inside his room ever since that incident happened. All his loved ones were very worried about him. Jungkook still was no where to be seen.

Jin had tried so much to talk to the younger but he just shut everyone out. What Yoongi had been doing in his room was just sleeping, staring at his ceiling or sitting on his bed, mind blank.

Taehyung arrived at the Min's household but he had bad news. He asked Jimin, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon to gather at the living room. He did not say anything but just handed his phone to Jimin.

Jimin was furious at what he saw. Jin and Namjoon was speechless of what was in front of them. Pictures and pictures of Yoongi on that night at campus on their university community page. The caption being :

"Min Yoongi, a beta? Look at him now, finally accepting his omega status. All alphas, he is still unclaimed. Want an omega? Gotta work fast then. He sure is a fun one."

"I'm going to call Yongho, we'll going to discuss what we are going to do with this." Namjoon said and then proceeded to leave the room.

"My friends and I had reported this post and the faculty is working on taking this down." Taehyung said.

"What's the use? Everyone knows already, Yoongi can never be seen the same way ever again. What if anything happens to Yoongi at campus? Who's going to be there for him?" Jimin said, almost on the verge on crying.

Jin suddenly bolted upstairs, finally using the spare key to open Yoongi's bedroom door. Jin wanted to give Yoongi some privacy, so he did not use the key.

He saw Yoongi sitting on his bed look at the post. Jin snatched the phone out of Yoongi's hand and hugged Yoongi. Yoongi was motionless, he stayed silent. Jin pulled away and cupped Yoongi's face with both of his hands.

"Yoonie baby, please don't do anything on impulse, don't do something you will regret later on in life. You have been through similar issues and I know you are strong enough to fight through this again. Just know that all of us will be standing beside you and helping you. I will not say protect you because I know you don't want us to protect you, you want to overcome this with help and not protection. Don't close yourself out, don't blame yourself. Please. I know our Yoonie is strong enough."

Yoongi finally let go and sobbed in Jin's arms, blabbering incoherent words but letting out all of his emotions. The others just stood out and watched, giving Yoongi some space because they know Yoongi would never want them to see him cry.

This just shows how close they are, words are not exchanged but just being understanding and knowing one another's personality and habits.

Yongho and Namjoon decided to lodge a police report. They know who is behind this but decide to hand this over to the police. The university rejected to file a report when Yoongi was first harassed but now, no one is going to stop them.

They decided to let Yoongi off of class for a few weeks. Hoseok tried to contact Jungkook but there were no signs at all. Yoongi acted oblivious to Jungkook's disappearance but deep down, he minds, a lot. Why did Jungkook just suddenly disappear after he trusted him so much?

Maybe that's why you should never trust an alpha so much. Is being born an omega a curse or a blessing? More like a curse for Yoongi.

There were times where Yoongi would admire Jin, how perfect Jin's life is to pursue his dream job, having such a supportive, lovely mate and not having stupid issues coming into his live. Yoongi thought, why is Jin an omega and have such a good life but why I, also an omega has a shitty life.

Where is Jungkook? If you ask Yoongi now, he will tell you that he is burning in hell. But the truth is Jungkook is dealing with some stupid issues too. Having a leach basically latching on you 24/7 and wanting to suck your life dry is frustrating.

Jungkook's wolf is trying so hard not to murder that leach because Jungkook can't be a murderer. But the leach should be dead in his wolf's opinion.

;Hey, I'm back after almost 2 months. Haha, life is basically slowly murdering me but I'm still holding on. If you are facing any problems, know that if I am still alive and soldiering through, you can too. This is getting a little depressing but don't we all feel a little depressed at times. Hope this chapter was not too boring, I am trying to slowly introduce a new bitch character, so get ready. That's all from me byeeeeee.

P.s. if there is any typos or weird writing, do kindly ignore, I will deal this them later on, like how I deal with all my problems lol, jk don't take this too seriously;

 if there is any typos or weird writing, do kindly ignore, I will deal this them later on, like how I deal with all my problems lol, jk don't take this too seriously;

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One of my favourite yoonkook pics.

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