Chapter 15: Purple Hyacinth

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After a few weeks, things started to calm down and the authorities were taking action on searching the culprit of the post.

Yoongi had been feeling much better now with all the love and support from friends and family members. He did not attend classes for a few weeks now but Hoseok constantly take notes for him, so he was not worried.

He is alone at home now resting. He was in the living room watch TV until he heard a knock on the front door. He thought it was Jimin who promised to come over and watch a movie with him.

He rushed to the front door to greet the person but the person standing in front of the door was the last person he wanted to see.

"Jeon Jungkook." Yoongi deadpanned.

"Hey kitten. I'm sorry- Waitwaiwait!"

Jungkook tried to greet Yoongi but Yoongi decided just to slam the door shut. Jungkook was quick enough to stop the door with his foot.

"Please Yoongi listen to me, I will explain everything." Jungkook said, almost begging.

Yoongi look uninterested but still opened the door.

"Thank you Yoongs." Jungkook tried to go in the house but Yoongi stopped him by placing his hand on Jungkook's chest.

"Did I say you can come in? We just have to talk here."

Jungkook's heart ached but he tried to be strong.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi, really I know you won't accept any bullshit excuses because I know I am wrong. I wasn't there for you when you were hurting and I wasn't there to support you. I was and still am a dick but I really hope you can forgive me. Some shit happened with my family and I'm trying my best to solve them because of you. I can't tell you what is happening but please believe me when I say everything I'm doing is for you. I don't wish for you to forget what I did, I just hope you can accept me back into your life." Jungkook said.

He held a bouquet of purple Hyacinth which means to ask for forgiveness. But the problem is, Yoongi just held a dead stare at Jungkook and was silent. This made Jungkook ever more nervous now.

"I won't forget what you did, I won't believe in what you say, I won't forgive you after I had cried for you for so many nights, calling you non-stop wanting you to pick up the phone. I just stupidly thought that I held a place in your heart, when I was so beaten up, I wanted to be in your arms and no one else but guess what. You never picked up my calls, you never messaged me back and you ignored my whole existence. And now you want me to accept you back into my life? Fuck you." Yoongi said angrily and slammed the door shut.

Jungkook held his head low and felt tears drop down his face. He know he fucked up but he didn't know he fucked up that badly. Maybe he is just like any other alpha that just plays with omegas' hearts. He wanted everything to turn back normal but it is impossible.

Yoongi on the other side sweared to himself that he will not cry but his stupid heart just would not listen to his brain. He sobbed hard, very hard. He tried to stop the tears but he couldn't. Did he really fall for an alpha that didn't even care for him? Yoongi thought to himself.

Jimin arrived at the Min's household and saw a Jeon Jungkook crying in front of the big bungalow. Jimin kind of guessed what happened.

He walked over and tapped Jungkook on the shoulder. Jungkook turned around after trying his best to dry his face.

"I advise you to run now before Jin and Yongho hyung come and kill you. Yoongi is trying his best and I want to believe you are trying your best too but give each other some time after what Yoongi had to went through. I can't speak for him but all I can say is he still wants you but is too broken to accept the reality. I hope you can think of a way for Yoongi to forgive you. All the best man."

After Jimin finished his little speech, he went inside but just to be greeted by another crying boy.

"God, how many people do I need to see crying today." Jimin said to himself.

"Yoongs! Come here!" Jimin shouted with arms wide apart.

Yoongi immediately sprinted towards Jimin after hearing his voice. Two boys just crying their heart out that night. One in Jimin's arms and another in his gym.

;Hey.. I feel like Jungkook now. I have no excuse for not updating. My life is the same shit with just me drowning in homework, assignments and tuition classes. But I still apologise for not updating for so long. You guys can not forgive me. I hope this chapter was up to your expectations but if it didn't I'm sorry. But hope you guys liked it. That's all from me, byee; 

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