Chapter 18: Trip

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The red in Jungkook's eyes were very obvious and it scared Yoongi slightly.

Dan stood in front of Yoongi to make sure Jungkook does lunge at Yoongi. Dan and Jungkook had been friends for a very long time, so he knew how aggressive Jungkook can get.

"Dan, Mr. Do is here. Go and take care of that crazy woman and Mr. Do. I have had enough!" Jungkook banged his fist on the wall.

Yoongi jumped at the sudden sound and tried to push himself even further into the couch.

"Fine." Dan walked over to Jungkook and placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Remember, Yoongi did not do anything wrong. Don't put your anger on him."

Jungkook tried to take a deep breathe after hearing Dan's advice. He walked to Yoongi's direction and squat in front of him.

He took Yoongi's hands into his and sighed. "Yoongi, you believe me right?"

"I do." Yoongi said without hesitation.

"I really want this mess to end and I really don't want you to get involved, so I have need your help."

Yoongi tilted his head a little, curious as to what Jungkook had to say.

"Wanna go on a vacation with me?" Jungkook said with full enthusiasm.

"What...? Why so sudden? I need to ask my parents." Yoongi was not expecting a vacation.

"Okay then. Let's go ask your parent." Jungkook held Yoongi's hand and dragged him to his car.


"WHAT? No! I strongly disagree." Yongho slammed his hand on the coffee table.

"Yongho calm down." Mr. Min gave Yongho the side eye.

"But why do you want to bring Yoongi on a vacation. Classes are still on and I thought you had some issues to take care of." Mr. Min asked sincerely.

"Well, I want to take Yoongi away from the problems and let him relax for a while. For the lectures, if Yoongi has any inquiries, he can ask me anytime as I'm a business major too. I also want to repair our relationship..." Jungkook whispered that last sentence but Mr and Mrs Min heard him.

Mrs. Min smiled softly seeing how Jungkook really is sincere about taking care of his son and both Yoongi's parents agreed on letting them go and have some fun. Yongho still did not agree with this decision.

"If you hurt Yoongi." Yongho poked his inner cheek with his tongue and slowly used his fist to go over his neck, meaning Jungkook would be dead. "Watch out."

Jungkook laughed awkwardly and broke out in a cold sweat. Yoongi giggled a little seeing how protective his brother was.

"Where are you taking Yoongi to?" Mrs. Min asked.


"When and for how long?"

"The day after tomorrow. For 2 weeks."

With that Yoongi immediately started to pack all his needs into his luggage. He informed his friends about the sudden trip and all his friends just told him to "play safe".

Yoongi still loves his friends despise all the teasing.

"2 weeks." Yoongi plopped himself on the bed after packing for quite a long time. He never went on a vacation with a guy alone, let alone his mate.

Yoongi did not really let his mind process the fact that Jungkook was his mate. It's the 21st century already, the mating ritual is not really a big deal anymore but Yoongi just blocked his brain from thinking about being mates with Jungkook.

Jungkook never really pushed the fact into Yoongi's face as respect but he is a little disappointed that Yoongi seemed like he did not care about being his mate.

Jungkook being the rich boy he is decided to pay for everything even though the Min family insisted of paying half of the trip.

Jungkook said it was his responsibility to make Yoongi happy.


The day came where Jungkook was sitting in the Min's living room waiting for the princess that keep on stalling and saying he forgot this and that.

He found it somewhat cute that Yoongi is nervous about the trip. "Yoongs, you know I can buy anything that you forgot to bring at Maui right?" 

"I don't want to waste your money!" Yoongi shouted from his room.

Finally Yoongi was done with all his paranoia about forgetting his things and they were off to the airport.

Yoongi was fidgeting with his fingers, nervous about the trip. He will be alone with Jeon Jungkook for 2 weeks. In an unfamiliar place. With no friends or family. Jungkook can kill him there if he wanted.

"I won't hurt you baby. Why so nervous. I'm not kidnapping you." Jungkook chuckled and place his hand on Yoongi's thigh.

Yoongi's face turned rosy from the minimal interaction. Maybe he was nervous because Jungkook was his mate, a common example of a perfect alpha.

They reached the airport and boarded their flight to Maui. Jungkook was extra and used his family's private plane. Haha, to say that Yoongi was shocked by the luxury was an understatement.

;hey, I'm back from my disappearance. The chapter was kinda meh tbh but I'm still building it up to something. After such a long wait, I hope I did somewhat write something that satisfied you guys. Writing this chapter alone took me almost an hour and don't ask me why. Maybe I will update again tomorrow? Who knows. Remember to comment and vote 💕 Peace out;

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