Chapter 12: Sweet

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"Where are we?" Yoongi asked, looking around after he stepped outside.

They were in the middle of an open field. Just the two of them. The atmosphere was peaceful with birds chripping and a slight cold wind blowing.

"Don't just stand and stare, come sit. I set out a blanket while you were sleeping in the car." Jungkook said.

Yoongi looked towards Jungkook's direction and saw him sitting on a red and white gingham blanket with stones on each corner to prevent the blanket from flying everywhere.

Yoongi's heart felt warm from Jungkook action. He sat next to him leaving a slight distance but Jungkook scoot closer. Their legs were touching but Jungkook didn't notice, he looked in front, like he was waiting for something.

Yoongi on the other hand was furiously blushing, why did he felt that way? Only he himself knows.

"Why did you bring me here?" Yoongi asked after he finally calmed down.

Jungkook looked at his watch and smiled.

"It's almost time to watch the sunset. The sun will set at 7.25 p.m. I checked before we came here so we will be in time to watch it." Jungkook said and then flashed his bunny teeth smile at Yoongi.

Yoongi felt his heart flutter. It has been such a long time since he had felt this way. It was scary in a way to have this feeling again but he tried to enjoy the moment.

"Ahh, look the sun is setting!" Yoongi exclaimed.

The sky was a gorgeous ombre from red to yellow, making the blue sky contrast with the golden ray of sunlight blazing in the sky. Slowly, the view of the sun set into the mountains, hiding from everyone's view. Soon the blue sky turns a dark navy, the moon peaking out with white light reflected from it.

Everything felt so magical. Yoongi has not seen the sunset for a long time. He looks up to the sky and see all the stars twinkling at them. Like small diamonds in the sky. Silly Yoongi thought of the children rhyme, "twinkle twinkle little star".

Yoongi looked to his left and his eyes met Jungkook's soft but adoring gaze on him.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?" Yoongi stuttered feeling embarrassed to be stared at.

"You look beautiful under the sunset." Jungkook complimented.

"T-thank you." Yoongi said shyly.

Jungkook chuckled seeing how shy Yoongi was.

"You wanna lay down and watch the stars?" Jungkook suggested.

Yoongi nodded enthusiaticly. Both of them laid side by side, enjoying the night view full of stars and the beautiful moon. Both away from the busy city, away from all their problems, just enjoying each others company.

"Oh wait here. I'm gonna grab something." Jungkook said after he stood up and went to his car.

Yoongi continued to admire the stars until he felt something warm over his legs. He looked down and saw Jungkook laying a white velvet blanket over his legs.

"I thought you would be cold, so I brought a blanket for you." Jungkook said as laid next to Yoongi.

"Thank you so much Jungkook, for today, for everything, for saving me." Yoongi said, whispering the last part.

But Jungkook heard it due to the calm night with only sounds of crickets heard. Jungkook felt happy to make the younger enjoy their date.

Yoongi felt extremely grateful. Every small action that Jungkook took, from picking him up, driving almost 3 hours to take him here, checking the time to make sure they can see the sunset, laying a picnic blanket for them to sit on, bringing a blanket to keep him warm. Star gazing was something Yoongi never knew he would do until Jungkook brought him here.

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