Lissy- "I'm not doing anything" I replied back

Steve- "Allyssa," I said warningly

Steve- "Allyssa," I said warningly

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Lissy- "Fine...whatever" I replied back

Steve- I raised my eyebrows at her

Lissy- I ignored his warning look and started to walk towards the gate with Grace beside me

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Lissy- I ignored his warning look and started to walk towards the gate with Grace beside me

Steve- I was about to go after her when Danny stopped me.

Danny- "Not now, Steve. Either do it after we land or let it go. We want to make sure this is a fun trip for the girls."

Steve- "Alright," I said as I sighed as we followed the girls from behind

-Plane Ride-

Lissy- I settled down in the seat next to the window. My Dad is right beside me, and then Uncle Danny and Grace are across from us.

Dad- "Are you excited"?

Lissy- "Sure am"

Dad- "What are you most excited about"?

Lissy- " Ummmmm...probably spending time with you, Uncle Danny and Grace. What about you"?

Dad- "Getting a break from work and spending time with you as well."

Lissy- "How long is the fight again"?

Dad- " About five hours."

Lissy- "At least I brought my tablet so I could read my kindle on there, and I have music to listen as well."

Dad- "You could also take a nap."

Lissy- "I might," I said, then opening my tablet and going onto Amazon kindle. I picked out a book to read that was already pre-downloaded and slipped on my earbuds to listen to music also pre-downloaded

-Couple of hours in-

Dad- I looked over and saw that Lissy fell asleep. So I took her tablet and turned it off for her. I looked at my watch to check the time. Three more hours to go, then we are finally in California. What Lissy doesn't know is that I have two surprises for her in California.

Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now