Chapter 92

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Jo's POV -

'Mom, why are you here. What the hell?'

'Why, are you serious Mercy. I knew you was lying on the phone, I'm your Mother. I know all the tricks. Now the question is what are you two hiding and why are you ignoring Hero Jo?' Martha is stern but worried and I find myself sobbing before I can reply. How do I explain everything that has happened today without sounding crazy, today has been so far from normal.

Martha jumps to her feet from the kitchen stool and wraps her arms around me, her cuddle is needed. My head is frantic trying to piece together how to tell her. As she leads to me the livingroom and instructs Mercy to make some tea she pats my hand gently to encourage me to speak but my eyes just stare into her blankly. Hoping the words will follow.

'Darling, has someone hurt you. You're so pale and you look so worn out' she say softly brushing my hair behind my ear. This woman has become my English Mother, she is so loving and caring it is hard not to feel comfort from her touch and so I take a breathe and start to explain. She gasps midway through when I explain about the surgery and tears fill her beautiful green eyes.

'I'm sorry Martha. I am so sorry we lied but right then I didn't have the strength to explain and I can't tell Hero over the phone. I just cant' I sob.

'I agree sweetheart, but you are coming to my house and staying until he comes home OK. I won't push you into telling him until he comes home. But please call him, he is worried sick at not hearing from you. Please' she asks softly and I know I need to make contact, I hate the idea of lying to him but for now it's my only option. I pull my phone from my bag just as Mercy returns with some tea.

'She told me darling. Are you OK, that must have been quite the experience for you to. I'm proud of how you supported your friend through that' Martha says whilst grabbing her tea from the tray along with passing me a cup. Mercy just nods and takes a seat looking at me and what I appear to be doing. I dial Hero after numerous notifications full my screen and take a gulp whilst it rings, composing myself.

'Jo! Thank fuck. What the hell babe. I have been going insane over here. Where have you been?' he's loud but not shouting just relieved I think.

'Sorry, I urm. I got drunk and fell asleep but i' M at home with Mercy and your Mother. We're having some tea and I'm going to stay there tonight, maybe until you get home. How is Italy?' I try to change the focus and steer the topic away from me.

'Fuck Italy. I am just glad your safe. Fucking hell Jo. Please don't do that to me again, especially when I am so far away. My head was going berserk with different scenarios. Heck I was close to jumping on a plane and coming back to find you' he sounds out of breathe, I feel awful. If only he was returning to a normal version of me not a..... Pregnant one. We talk some more and I excuse myself promising to answer when he calls in future. As I lay the phone down my hands tremble as I sip my tea looking around the room unsure what to say.

'Darling, are you OK? Do you feel alright or are you still in pain?'

'I'm sore but I am allowed paracetamol to help with that. I'm just glad jellybean is no longer hurting' I say looking at my stomach, it's crazy how a tiny person is in there but I feel no different in myself. My heart feels different but not my body.

'Jellybean?' Mercy scoffs looking amused.

'Yeah, I don't know how that became a thing but I guess it looks like a jellybean kind of' I laugh and Martha places a hand on my stomach.

'You have given me the greatest gift you know Jo, a grand baby. I never knew I could feel so much love towards a child I wasn't carrying personally but right there in your tummy is a precious little life that is half of you and half of my boy. It's amazing and I know he will be shocked but you'll see, you'll see just how much he loves you both I promise' her words fill me with so much emotion, I'm a wreck. Sniffling and sobbing. Hero, my guy will be an amazing Daddy and deep down I know and trust this won't tear us apart. Not like before. We are different now, maybe just maybe this isn't so bad.

After more talking I feel better, I feel like this isn't the end of the world. I have so much love and support right here and Hero is one of the most loving, decent men I have ever had the privilege to meet. He may be taken back at becoming a Dad so soon but I have no worries that he will love us, both of us. I just need to tread carefully. I mean I can hardly get my head around this so he will need time to. I wish he was here, I wish he had been the first to know our news.

Hero's POV - 3 days later

Finally landing at Heathrow, fuck I have missed this place. I know its because Jo is here waiting, the feeling of returning home is filled with excitment. I can't wait to hold her, see her smile and just go home and spend my night curled up with my lady.

I order an Uber amd pace around impatiently smoking a cigarette as I wait for the driver. As soon as I spot the car I snub the smoke and head over throwing myself and my bags in the back seat. The drive is quick and when he pulls up I jump out and run the few steps infront of the house. Just as I reach the top the door swings open and I see my girl stood with arms wide open.

Ahhhh fuck! This is the best feeling in the world, she nuzzle into my neck and I hold her up in the air to admire every inch of her face. Her smile is wide but her eyes are dark and swollen. Has she been crying?

'Baby, what's the matter? You look tired, have you been crying?' I urge her on to speak whilst rubbing my thumb across her cheeks.

'Shhh, come in and shut up worrying. I'm fine, better than fine I think. Now your home I'm great. I made coffee' we wander into the kitchen and I notice two cups, one is a dark brown liquid and the other is milky. Jo doesn't take milk in her coffee, I throw her a questioning look whilst sniffing the contents. Tea? She doesn't like tea.

'I am trying to be English' she laughs nervously. She's lying. I can sense it by her awkward posture.

'Sure you are now spill, what is going on?' I'm agitated by her fakeness, why is she acting so oddly. What happened whilst I was away. What could possibly happen in 3 days but then I laugh, jesus alot when me and Jo are concerned.

'Can you just chill Hero. We can talk once your settled in. Just drink your coffee and tell me everything about Italy. I missed your voice.... And your face' she smirks poking my dimple.

Herophine A tale of two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن