Chapter 86 - 3 Weeks Later

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Jo's POV -

The time has gone by so quickly, too quickly. Hero and I have been lucky to have clear schedules, he had the odd shoot but wasn't gone for more than a few hours in which Mercy made it a point to use that time to continue on her quest to talk me into staying here. The more we have spoken the more I realise that it sounds ideal, I mean I could try it couldn't I? I decide to call Kat. She never holds back and if anyone is going to tell me I am crazy it's her. I grab my phone and wander into the livingroom whilst Hero is in the shower.

'Hey Kat. How's things at home? All OK?' I ask shakily.

'Cut the crap, why do you sound wierd Jo. What' s happened?' she asks, damn she reads me so well.

'Well, I want your opinion on something OK? I'm toying with the idea of maybe staying in London?' I reply rushed, unsure of my words. Wondering when did I give in to the idea.

'Jo! Are you serious!' she sounds truly shocked by my admission and I feel like this is her confirming I'm in fact crazy.

'Yes, urm' I don't know what to say amd make some garbled noises down the line.

'Do it! You have one life, you need to live it. Worst thing is you don't like it but you can always come home plus Dad will probably enjoy turning your room into an office ha!' she laughs and all my worry diminishes away.

'Really, you think I should. I mean you're right. I can always come back if it isn't for me but I can try it can't I? My voice is higher than normal.

'Yes, Yes, Yes. Your never home anyway, it isn't that big a deal. If you love him and he makes you happy frigging do it. Take the jump Jo. Now as much as I would love to stay on the line helping you make a grown up decision, I have shit to do. Talk later' she hangs up and I'm left staring at the phone with a stupid smile. Before I truly grasp that I am doing this Hero walks into the room with a concerned look and towel hanging from his hips.

'Baby, everything OK? You didn't just book a flight did you? I don't think I'm ready for you to go just yet' he says softly whilst sitting beside me. I nod my head to confirm I haven't but I don't tell him of my plans just yet. I have a better idea. My mind is pouring ideas out of how to break the news but for now he can wait. I may need to rope in Mercy to complete my plan.

'Just Kat. She was checking in to see when I'll be home, I said the end of the week. Anyway I need to shower so get some clothes on instead of trying to tease me dressed like that' I wink as leaving the room before he knows I'm lying. He mutters something along the lines of we know who the tease is but I just laugh on my way to the bathroom.

If I'm staying I have alot to do in a short space of time like tell my parents, call my agent, arrange for my stuff to be moved, break the news to Hero. Oh god this is going to be tricky keeping it from him. How will I hide all these secret calls. It hits me..... Spa Day. Perfect excuse for some space away from him. I text Mercy quickly before my shower.

Got an idea, need help! Spa day is a go, you in? Mercy replies instantly and I laugh at her eagerness.

Oh yes I am! Sure, you tell Hero and I will come by to get you in an hour. My Mom will come too, she wants to see you. I love a plan, sounds exciting 😉

Right, I have an hour. That's fine, quick shower, tell Hero and off we go. I am glad Martha will be there to as she can help. As I finish up and head into the bedroom I see Hero spread across the bed, still in just a towel. My mind goes straight to thinking about all the ways I want to touch him but when I gaze at his face I am stopped by his pissed off expression.

'So Jojo, running off on a Spa day are you? He glares. How does he know already. Shit!

'Urm, yes. Just for a few hours babe. Give you time to tidy up' I grin.

'Is that so. You do realise Mercy is the mouth of London don't you, she wasted no time in telling me about your plans' he smiles slightly at his insult. Did she tell him everything, panic runs through me. No, she wouldn't.

'Really, what did she say then?' I press trying to find out what he knows.

'Everything' he says, keeping a solemn look. He is playing with me, he doesn't know anything. I feel it in my gut so I keep my mouth shut and turn to get dresses. Within seconds he is trying to grab my clothes from me but one stern look and he holds up his hands in defeat, backing away slowly with a wicked smile on his lips. I burst into laughter, I love him and his playful ways. He thinks he is the boss but one look and he caves.

The doorbell rings and I relax, saved by the bell..... Literally. Hero goes to answer, I can hear him and Mercy bickering as soon as they enter. Those two are so funny. Its very amusing to watch. Every jibe laced with affection. They care for each other deeply and when they don't take the piss out of one another they get on great. I hear Martha scold them and giggle ony way down to see our guests grabbing my bag in route. My things all have a place here now, it feels like home. Anyone would think I had been here longer than 3 weeks at the way our belongings sit side by side.

'Hello, I'm excited about our day out together' I announce as I enter the room, Hero rolls his eyes but Martha and Mercy jump up and hug me.

'Us to sweetie. Now let's get going' Martha urges, kissing Hero whilst exiting. I walk over and hug him tightly. 'See you later baby' I say planting a small kiss on his lips.

'Yep, enjoy. I' ll be here. Waiting for my girl to return to take care of me' He winks trying to pull a sad face whilst looking down to his crotch. He is so rude, funny but rude I laugh as I leave.

As soon as we are out of sight of the house Mercy turns and stops in front of Martha and I, halting us.

'Right, we aren't going to a Spa, I talked Mom into a girls day with drinks and gossip. Plus if my spidey senses are correct I think my constant pestering has made you change your mind and your about to tell us your staying. Herophine is coming to life!' she shrieks.

'Mercy, mind your own business. Give Jo a break will you' Martha says looking disappointed at Mercy's intrusive ways.

I laugh at how switched on this young girl is and reply 'Great, drinks sound great and yes Mercy you made a good case, I couldn't refuse' at my words Martha looks at Mercy and hi fives her following by them both grabbing me and squeezing. That's a relief that they both seem pleased with my choice. As soon as we get further down the street we see a little boutique style bar with big signs for cocktails and nibbles. Ideal for our discussion so we all head in and Martha wastes no time in pointing to a seat for us then heading to the bar. When she returns with no drinks Mercy and I look confused but she tells us they are bringing them over. We talk through the menu at the concoctions on offer and before long two trays are placed in the table. There must be 12 drinks here I think as I scan over the array of fancy colours and glasses.

'I could not decide so I got us one of each to try' Martha laughs passing the drinks to each of us. This is gunny but I really can't drink and today I need to focus. I have a plan to relay to them.

'Right, Jo. Fill us in. I need to know what the plan is' Mercy states whilst sipping her bright green cocktail and pulling a face of enjoyment.

'OK, so I was thinking we don't tell Hero. Maybe have a small leaving party and then spring it on him that it's a housewarming? Is that lame? I ask stirring my plastic umbrella around nervously.

' I love it! I love love love it! ' Martha days and places her hand on mine. I am so relieved to tell them and we drink and drink until I can't read the time on my phone any longer. Hero keeps calling and they laugh at his impatient ways but I decode after our long in depth talk it's time for me to retire and they walk me back. As I get to the door it hits me I don't have a key, damn. Not for long I smile to myself and at that the door opens quickly, Hero looks me up and down and waves them off whilst guiding me in. He looks amused and pissed.

'Lose your phone Missy?' he tone is clipped but right now I don't care and just laugh. Before long, I am waking up with a killer headache. Hero is snoring quietly beside me. Wow those cocktails were lethal.

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