Chapter 49

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Jo's POV -

When I wake up a sudden sweep of red covers me as I recall my actions from last night I can't believe how ridiculous I acted I really did show myself in a way I didn't think possible. Hero was so mature about the whole ordeal. I mean, credit where credit is due he handled that like a champ. I don't know why he forgave me but the fact he did gave me a reality check to never pull anything like that again. I knew my behaviour was awful before he caught me, but when he did I wanted the ground to open and swallow me whole. I panic instantly at how to act with him this morning, he may have forgiven me but I still felt terrible about it and didn't expect to just go back to being how we were without putting in some work. I decide to cook breakfast, maybe this will make our morning less awkward if I have something to occupy my thoughts rather than reliving my absurd actions.

I slide out of bed silently so not to wake him and head for kitchen. I can cook to survive but I'm no chef so after scanning the fridge I decide on scrambled eggs, bacon, spinach on toast. This was easy enough not to burn the house to the ground. I fumble around for cutlery and plates whilst grabbing a pan from the drying rack. Just as I start to make my masterpiece I hear hearing coughing at the doorway with a puzzled expression and smirk.

'Maybe you should fuck up more often Miss Langford' he arches his brow and sits at the island opposite where I'm preparing.

'Yes, about that' I squeak but before I can reply he puts his finger to his lips to ahhh me. I'm glad because maybe now we can proceed without mentioning it further. Maybe he can see that I will make things right and never intrude on his privacy again. Which I won't. Never again. Breakfast turns out better than expected and Hero has seconds. I cooked so much I thought it would surely be wasted.

'So how long do I have the pleasure of your company' he asks breaking the silence. Maybe he wants to know when I am leaving, he could be fed up with me after last night. I decide to ask rather than assume. No more guessing, we spoke so openly after the airport there really isn't any need for me to hold on to my thoughts rather than voice them.

'Do you want me to?' I ask quietly hoping he doesn't.

'Are you crazy, wait yes that has been confirmed but on a side note to your question. No I don't. I' d be happy if you never left babe' A small laugh escapes my lips as I realise he has some humour about last night, my shoulders instantly relax. I'm happy to accept his mocking, it makes the conversation feel lighter and it's welcomed. As we discuss my stay it's decided 8 have 2 more days in London and then I need to return to Perth. I'm happy we have some more time. Hopefully it will be uneventful and quiet, maybe we should hid indoors until I leave and that will keep us safe from anything happening. As if Hero can read my mind he suggest we maybe chill and just enjoy our days here, he has a lovely yard and suggests a BBQ later on this evening. Then makes some joke about putting shrimp on the barbie, his impression is awful but I burst into laughter at his attempt.

Hero's phone has been going off non stop today. Not once has it even crossed my mind to pick it up so I clearly learnt my lesson. When he gets out the shower he checks it, he seems to be reading for ages when he looks over at me slightly worried.

'What's the matter?' I asked panicked.

'Urm, my Mom. She messaged to say they are on their way over and by they I mean the whole clan. She wants to meet you, are you OK with that?'

'Of course, as long as you are?' I'm excited to meet Hero's family. They know we are together so I don't have to worry on how to introduce myself but what if they don't like me. I've never been at a stage to meet the parents, what the heck do I talk about. I breathe in and out deeply to calm myself, if they are like Hero I have nothing to fear. I jump up and start picking out something to wear. I guess I need a casual type thing but warm enough for being outside later. Got it, as I grab my clothes I rush to the bathroom taking my makeup bag along to prep my face for the meeting.

When I go downstairs Hero is in the kitchen making some Kebab sticks, they look amazing. This man is goo g to affect my waistline I can see it now. I watch in awe of his professional fingers, He is so good when it comes to food amongst many, many other things. The doorbell chimes and I jump slightly.

'Babe, can you get it while I finish these off?' he nods towards to hallway. As I walk through the hall I wipe my palms off, I feel them sweating. As soon as the door opens a blonde haired girl charges me wrapping me into a tight hug and squealing surely this isn't his Mom, she looks about 18. As she realises me and introduces herself as Mercy I know it's his sister. She is gorgeous, this family have some good genes that's for certain. Hero's brother enters next giving me a nod and carrying on through and then his Mom. She holds my arms and inspects me but not in a rude manner in a caring way.

'I am so happy to meet you Josephine. Hero has told me so much about you and I couldn't not meet the woman who has made my boy a man'. I gasp, she isn't referring to sex I hope. No, I shake the thought he has sex before me.

'It's lovely to meet you to Mrs Fiennes'.

'Call me Martha sweetheart' She takes my hand and leads me through to the kitchen sitting beside me at the island. She speak So quickly I struggle to keep up but manage to hold my way through our chat. Hero's brother is helping him and Mercy is getting out some plates. I guess we are all having BBQ and the thought pleases me. As I offer to make some punch I realise Hero has nothing other than Beer, bottled Water and milk so I decide to walk to the shop close by. As I grab my purse Mercy follows.

'I'll come to Jo, can I call you Jo?' she asks taking my arm in hers as we walk along the street. We talk non stop on route and talk more on the way back, I instantly like her. She is so calming, alot like her brother with a wicked sense of humour to match. By the time we arrive back with 3 bags full of different fruit juices and alcohol it feels like we have known each other most of our lives Hero laughs as he listens to our chatter shaking his head but smiling.

Outside I can smell the BBQ and the delicious display of already cooked items are spread across a white table. There is so much food and it looks amazing. We all sit around the table and everyone tries the punch me and Mercy made. Martha coughs as the liquid burns her throat. We may have added a little much rum, I can feel the buzz coming over me with each sip. We all talk and enjoy various stories about our childhoods. Martha explains her current project and I am engrossed, it sounds wonderful. By 10pm they decide to call it a night and all leave after numerous hugs and I'll see you soon's. They really are a great family and seeing the way Hero adores them was a beautiful sight. I like that his Mom scolds him though, she doesn't hold back.

After cleaning up and ensuring the BBQ is out me and Hero share a shower and get into bed. Today has been a pleasant change to the past 3. This is how life should be I think to myself. This is a life I would sign up for right now.


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