Chapter 7

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Jo's POV -

Urgh, my head hurts. I open my eyes, it's too bright I quickly close them again. I'm not ready for daylight yet. I lay with my eyes screwed shut but my mouth feels like I have swallowed the Sahara desert. I need water. I throw my legs out of the bed and head to the mini fridge. Wow my ass hurts, really hurts. I stand rubbing my backside whilst the cold liquid soothes my throat. I still feel like death but the water is helping that's for sure. As I turn around to the bed I see Hero. Why is Hero in my bed? Panic runs through my body. What the hell happened last night. Hero is in my bed, my ass hurts, I have a hangover from hell. Shit! I pace around trying to figure out what happened, what events led to this. I remember drinking shots, I recall dinner and then it gets fuzzy. I'm sure a few of us left together. Shit, shit, shit. I like Hero, I enjoy spending time with him but did I really like him, I don't know. I admit he is a nice sight to see laying in my bed, it's does make my stomach flip but he is my fucking costar how and what has happened. We were getting along, abit of playful teasing but that was all. Anna, she will be so mad! I start pacing frantically, what the hell am I going to say to him when he wakes up, do I ask him or just not say anything and see what information he surrenders? Just then I see him shift and he peeks through his long lashes, oh those eyes. Jo, get a hold of yourself and stop this.

'Morning' he says in a sleepy voice.

'Morning, would you like some water?' I reply quickly. I hope he doesn't hear the panic in my voice.

'Yes, a water would be great. I'm going to be dead today especially after last night'. He smirks.

Shit! What does he mean. Should I just ask him. I grab a water and sit down beside him battling internally on what to do. I have never woken up with a man in my bed after drinking. It just isn't me, I'm not that girl. I hardly drink but last night was so fun I just went with it and now I wish I hadn't. I am really worried, why is my ass so sore. I wouldn't? He wouldn't? The fact I am drawing a blank worries me. I know Hero is a good guy, I'm not worried that he would do anything to me obviously I trust him even though we only met 3 days ago but i'm concerned that we both did something we will regret. Shit!

'So how was your night? Do you have a sore head?' he asks whilst sipping the water and sitting himself up against the headboard. Why is he shirtless, does he have boxers on. I try to peek without him noticing, then opt for scanning the floor for his underwear. No sign, that's a relief. I take to long to reply and he prompts me for an answer. 'Jo, you OK?'.

'Sorry, yes I have a sore head and I think I had fun. Did you? Hopefully he will fill in the blanks with my questioning response.

Hero's POV -

When I open my eyes I see Jo pacing up and down, she looks tired but so fucking cute in those pj's. Last night was unexpected, after she kissed me I couldn't help but feel differently. She was so forward and I liked that she wanted to kiss me. I don't know why I liked it, up until then I didn't think about her in anyway other than she was sound and we got on great. Shut up Hero, why you lying to yourself. She did cross my mind often but I didn't know why because she wasn't my usual type, I didn't dwell on it. I just thought it was normal since we would be working so closely plus being slightly attracted could only be a good thing with the upcoming scenes but when she kissed me it all changed. Jo became something more, I knew it by the way my heart was racing, the way my cock twitched just from her lips pressing against mine. That had never happened before, I've kissed girls, I've fucked girls but it wasn't anything other than hook ups at parties. I knew deep inside I didn't want Jo to be a hookup and that scared me. I didn't even think she liked me like that, and I didn't know I would want her like that. I'm so confused, I'm sure it was down to the alcohol but part of me hopes it wasnt just that. Get a grip Hero.

'Morning' I say softly, hoping to pull myself out of my own thoughts.

She offers me a water and heads back to the bed. As I sip the cold beverage I ask how her night was, I need to see how she reacts before I say or do something stupid. I really want to lean over and kiss her again but something is keeping me back. Let's see what she remembers first and then I can plan my next move. 'So how was your night? Do you have a sore head?' I ask sipping the water. Jo doesn't reply, I notice her eyes Dartong around the room. She looks at me sideways, then across the floor. What is she doing? What an odd way to behave so I prompt her for a reply.

'Sorry, yes I have a sore head and I think I had fun. Did you? She looks at me with wide eyes as if trying to figure me out, what is going on. She seems to strange this morning and then I realise she doesn't remember a thing. Shit! I feel deflated, I guess I hoped she would recall our kiss and that she wanted it as much as it turned out I did. Fuck, what do I do now. The last thing I want is to make it awkward, to remind her and see regret spread across that pretty face so I make a decision to keep my mouth shut. I'll get over it, drunk people kiss all the time maybe not Jo though, I don't have her down as a drunk kissing strangers. I lay my head against the headboard slightly gutted that it was a one off. Why do I feel so shit about this, last night I was buzzing but now I just want to crawl under the covers and forget everything. I talk myself into believing if she doesn't know, nothing will change and we can just carry on as we were. Light hearted teasing and friendship but part of me knows I wanted more than that now. For fuck sake, what had this girl done to me. In 3 days she had made a mark on me that I wasn't ready for.

'Yeah it was a good night, can't go wrong with drinks with friends. I reply slightly pissed off. She seems to relax at this and leans back to sit beside me.
'Hero, my ass hurts and I don't know why' she blushes bright pink as she finishes her question. I want to fuck with her just to be a dick but I decide against the childish act and simply reply with 'You fell off the bed then we sat chatting again and both fell asleep'. We don't talk about it in anymore depth, we just continue with chat about the weather and plans for the day. I guess this is for the best. I mean getting with a costar would be messy and neither of us wanted that for our first lead roles. After we both pop 2 paracetamol, I head back to my room. I need to get away from her for now.

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