Chapter 78

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Hero's POV -

She left. She didn't even try. She got her shit and ran away. I don't know what the hell I feel right now but hopeful isn't one of the feelings taking over my body. I'm pissed off, I'm angry that she did what was best for her without a thought for us. Selfish bitch! Not once did she ask how I felt, not fucking once. Jo made it all about her and her shitty fight or flight reaction boils my blood.

I sit blankly, staring at the wall. My thoughts aren't very kind towards her right now, I want to phone her and tell her to fuck off, to not bother coming back. I'm done, I'm so done with this crap. I thought we were strong but clearly I was mistaken. She can get her flight and leave me alone. I turn off my phone, I'm not interested in anything she has to say right now, not that she will call but just incase I power it off.

I feel like I need to let of some steam, I want to run and not stop. Adrenaline and anger are consuming me and I have no clue what to do about it. I've never been in this position, never had to deal with these type of challenges. I'm out of my depth so maybe her leaving has done us both a favour. She made her choice and it wasn't me, so she can deal with it.

I decide to go get Diesel and take a walk. I need air and to get out of this place quick. Diesel lways cheers me up, no matter what happens he is always there for me with that stupid grin he has, the one that never fails to make me laugh. As I grab my jacket and head to get him I find myself thinking about her, she is filling my head and I hate it. Right now I hate her, for leaving me mainly. I don't think I can get past this. The thought of us being over makes me chest hurt, pain like nothing I ever felt before. Fuck!

'Yo H Man, where you headed' as I turn I see Morgz, Felix and Ollie walking towards me. They have a football and some cans.

'To get Diesel' I reply.

'Where is Jo man?' Fuck, there she is again. Now she has been accepted by them I won't hear the fucking end of it. I give a brief explanation and they all look at one another, an odd look. A guilty look. I feel the hairs raise on my neck, what are they hiding.

'Dude, it was a shitty idea. Dumb as fuck but we thought, well we thought it would work out' Ollie says raising his hands as if to admit something.

'What was a dumb idea?' I snap, I'm losing my cool as the seconds pass.

'Don't hate me but I took the pictures, I followed you and after you told Felix about Operation New Home I thought this would be a help. But now she left and I feel shady. I'm sorry man' Ollie drops his head and before I can think twice I grip his shirt.

'You fucking prick. Man why would you even do that. You know that social media is crazy. You fucked me over and I lost my girl. Get out my face before I break yours. If I hadn't known you most of my life you'd be dead. You know that right!' I shout in his face pushing him back with my palms. Morgz grabs my shirt to try and calm the situation but I am fucked off, how could he do that to me. How would that be a good idea in any fucking situation.

I walk away before I do something I regret. My best mates did me over. What the actual fuck. I trusted them and they threw me under a bus. Not only has Jo walked but now they shat on me to. I don't believe this, what a fucking joke.

Jo's POV -

I hate how I left things with Hero, ai was out of order to say the things I did. I tried calling him before my flight but got his voicemail. I hope he talks to me soon, I don't want to break up, I just wanted some time. I bet he hates me. I am going to ruin something special because I dont know how to deal with the attention. Shit, I need to fix this.

When I land Kat picks me up and when she hugs me I instantly feel relief. I told her in the car about my argument and she looked disappointed.

'Jo, I'm glad your home but as your sister I have to be honest. You acted like a brat
From what you' ve said you just thought about yourself and left that poor guy in London. It's pretty shitty' She holds no punches and gives me her honesty like the blow of shotgun. I can't say anything because deep down, I know she's right.

As we park up at my house tears fill my eyes, I tried calling him again but still no answer. Shit, he isn't going to speak to me again after the stunt I pulled yesterday and I can't say I blame him. I wish I hadn't got on that damn plane, I should have gone back and been with my guy. Figured this out together, right now the world knowing seems like nothing compared to what I may have lost by running from it.

'Keep trying Jo, maybe he just needs time too. Let's go inside' Kat words are soft but don't full me with confidence.

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