Chapter 16

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Dylan's POV -

So far my trip to Atlanta has been great. The cast all ace and we all hit it off from the get go. I've been here 1 night and spoken to everyone, they are all so different but as a group it works well. Meeting Jo was the highlight, she is beautiful. After a chilled out night with Anna, Shane and Jo and a good night's sleep I head down for breakfast. Anna is telling us all the plan, I like that we have 2 days to ourselves before filming starts. As we leave the dining room I reach for Jo to see if she wants to rehearse together. I'd like to spend some time with her and we have scenes together so it makes sense. I'm glad she agrees and tells me she will come to my room in 30 minutes.

As I wait in my room I decide to have a tidy up, I don't want her to see that the contents of my case are sprawled all over the place. I hate unpacking. I give my teeth a brush too, I don't know why I did that but tell myself we might practice the kiss goodbye when I drop her at college. I bet we don't but just incase, I like to be prepared. I grab 2 water bottles and lay them on the table, along with some nuts. What am I dojng it looks like an interview setting. I am trying to hard.

I hear a knock and jump to my feet, Jo walks in and I see she's clutching her script. I feel nervous, I don't know why but it's there in the pit of my stomach and my palms feel sweaty. I show her to the couches and start rambling on about how excited I was to get the call and we talk briefly about how we got the news. Anna swapped out Tessa a week before, I can't imagine anyone else playing Tessa when I look at Jo. She really does bring the character to life and looks perfect for the part. I read the books, I can't imagine a different version of Tessa. Only Jo.

We act out the script, have a break, chat then continue. It goes really well and when we get to the goodbye scene we both look unsure. I want to practice this scene but I won't push it if she is uncomfortable. Before I can think anymore about it she whisphers 'Maybe we could save the actual kiss for the camera's'. Damn it, I realise how much I wanted to try that when she dismisses the idea. I get one kiss and that lucky bastard Hardin gets a constant stream of affection from my girl, my girl in the script obviously. I nod in agreement and we proceed with the rest of our lines by the time we finish we have it nailed. She is so passionate and I forget that she isn't actually Tessa for the majority of our practice. My stomach growls and she repeats it, we need to eat. I look at the clock and see we have been here for 4 hours, that went quick. Too quick. We head down for some lunch and meet up with everyone. I enjoyed today, I can't wait to start filming.

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