Chapter 29

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Hero's POV -

My birthday turned out to be one of the best so far. The gift from my girl, our first real date, the party. It blew my mind that everyone made such an effort for me. It's one I'll never forget that's for sure.

Everything has changed since my birthday. Jo and I had an amazing night together, it was like the beginning of something more. Anna gave Jo her opinion on us, she told me about the conversation with bright eyes, the biggest smile covering her pretty face. We both felt it, a feeling of freedom, no more secrets or hiding. We trust everyone here and after explaining to them that we want our relationship to remain between us they all agreed that it was a good idea atleast until things settled down with the press. Me and Jo could be ourselves, within reason. Taking her in the lobby was still a no, I had asked haha! I loved that I could tease her, whispering dirty words into her ear always made her blush but I knew this woman, she was far from innocent behind closed doors. She was a goddess and I drank in every ounce of her and the way she gave herself to me.

Today we are filming the reveal scene, I can't believe we have done 2 months already and after today we only had some sound checks and recording left to complete. Then it's the wrap party. I was excited to celebrate the project completion  with our friends but I still needed to figure out how and what the hell to do about Jo. I can't stand the idea of us being at opposite ends of the globe. I'd talk to her about it soon though, we need to figure it out together. As I arrive on set I see everyone standing around nervous. This has got to be right, this is the biggest scene in the film and it has to make an impact on the audience. As we take our places I look to Swen, we enter afterwards, we stand awaiting our que. He grips my shoulder and squeezes tightly as if to encourage me. I must look nervous but the importance of getting this spot on is playing in my mind. As we enter and walk towards the table I see my girl, she's wet and looks adorable in denim dungarees. I sit opposite in the spot left empty for Hardin. As the scene unfolds I feel strange, my girl is looking at me with devastation in her eyes. As Jo turns to Khadija and Sam relegating her lines my heart breaks, I want to hold her, comfort her to make this OK but I freeze, my mind blanks and I fuck up my lines. Shit! 'Cut' Jenny yells, sounding pissed. 'Hero, would you like to join us? Come on dude, you got this. From the top'. We move back and start the scene again, I manage to pull myself together but seeing Jo so upset stirs something in me, I know she's acting but damn she is so passionate and involved. She is Tessa right now and man do I feel bad for Hardin. I imagine him seeing his girl like this, the weight is pressing in my chest. I can feel the emotion and pain, it hits like a truck. She looks directly at me then turns to run towards the door, I follow and we relay our lines.

'Your, Your just a liar' she cries staring into what I can only describe as my soul.

'You said nothing could ever change the way you feel about me' I state.

'Well I guess we both lied'. She runs, she leaves me standing open mouthed. She sucked me right in, I feel every word like it were real and this was actually happening. My eyes fill and tears run down my cheeks at losing my true love, she hates me. As I lift my hands up to my head, rain pouring over me all I can do is watch her leave.

'CUT! Guys that was amazing. You nailed it, I thought I was going to cry. Fuck you guys are good'. As I turn to Jenny I realise how she felt, it felt so real. I know that sounds like absolute madness, I was so invested in that moment I was sure I was Hardin and my Tessa had just ripped my heart from my chest, taking all of me with her as she ran as far away as she could. Everyone grabs me and lifts me in the air jumping up and down like lunatics, celebrating the closing scene and calling it a wrap. Jo joins us after Anna has hugged her screaming like a proud parent, I'm put back down on my feet everyone still jumping and shouting to celebrate. I grab her arm and pull her into my chest. I have to hold her, I need to know that she is still my girl because losing her, even in a scene was too much. I don't ever want to feel like I just did. I love this woman more than I've ever loved anyone or anything in my 21 years and I need her to reassure me at this moment. Without a thought I push my lips to hers and calm flows through my aching body.

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