Chapter 75

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Jo's POV -

Hero is acting so strange, I have literally just opened my eyes and made my way downstairs to find him jumping around all over the place. I am not awake enough to deal with this version of Hero and I'm not thinking to much into why he is like a crazed man until this caffeine kicks in. We had one of the best nights, I laughed so much hearing stories of young Hero from I his friends and everyone of them made me so welcome. I don't recall much about coming home but I know Hero looks after me so I have nothing to fret about.

We are going to his Mom's house soon, I can't wait to see them all but feeling like I do I would have happily stayed in today, before I dwell to much on my hangover I decide to get dressed and look more presentable than my current look. Hero is handing me random clothes and hurrying me along. He is irratating me, this is a first.

'Hero, calm down. I have a headache from hell. Can you give me a minute babe' I snap as I make my way to the bathroom. I can hear him pacing around the house like a herd of elephants, what's his deal. I don't take long and he looks pleased at the quick turnaround, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the door. We walk in silence, not uncomfortable infact I am glad. The fresh air isn't having the effect I had hoped for and I make him stop so I can grab some pills and another coffee to fuel our visit to his Mom's.

It doesn't take long, before I know it we are walking inside, he doesn't knock and the door is unlocked. I find this strange for being in a city, I always lock doors behind me but before I think to much on the subject Hero's Mom runs to embrace me. She gives such lovely hugs, real Mummy hugs and I instantly feel better.

'Come in sweetheart. Have you eaten yet?' she asks whilst guiding me through her home.

'Not yet but I'm OK thank you Martha. I had a few drinks last night and don't feel up to food just yet. This coffee will be fine for now' I hold the cup up and smile.

'Jo. I am so happy you came. I have so much to catch up on with you. So much has happened' Mercy gushes as she takes the seat beside me. I notice Hero's face drops and he makes a face to Mercy.

'Not that you loser, jeez calm down you donut' I have no idea what "that" is but I am curious and the way Hero storms off peaks my interest further.

'Mercy! You go and apologise now. That wasn't required was it' Martha scolds and Mercy gives me a look of frustration but follows her brother to apologise I assume. I laugh as it reminds me of Kat and I. It's a sibling thing and I see it happens to us all now. I can't help but wonder what that was about though and want to follow but Martha takes a seat beside me and puts her hands over mine.

'Sweetheart, you know you are welcome here always. I mean if Hero had his way you would never leave but I need to talk to you about something. I think this would be better coming from me rather than Hero, if you don't mind? I'm not prying just offering support' she says in a low voice. I look at her in shock, I have no idea what this talk is about but I hope to god it isn't the sex talk. Is she going to ask me about our sex life. Please, no. I want the ground to swallow me up whole. My face is reddening and I am starting to sweat. Fuck!

'No, it's not that Jo' she laughs. I panic did I say that out loud, did she hear my thoughts fall from my mouth. Oh god, I want to die on the spot. I try to gain some self control. 'Okay, good. What is it?' I ask timidly.

'I need you to keep a clear head on this sweetie. We can figure it all out together. I have experience in this type of attention. It would appear that photos have been taken of you and Hero, last night after your evening out and they are, well they show how close you two are. Someone saw you walking home and has posted them on social platforms' I choke as soon as the words hit my ears, tears form in my eyes before I can stop them. I look at Martha with hope in my eyes that the rest is better news than what she just delivered.

'Please don't cry Jo, it's alot to take in darling but if you both love each other this won't make any difference to your relationship. It can only work in your favour, no more hiding or secrets. You can both enjoy one another now' she holds me tightly as I cry and cry. I don't know where all this water comes from but I can't stop. I take some breaths, slowing down my breathing to sting together a sentance.

'Martha, I do love him. More than anything but all of our problems have been from outside of our relationship and I wanted to keep us safe for a while longer. I wanted us to be together without opinions and expectations, I wanted us to find our way and establish where we are headed before anyone else got a chance to pry or involve themselves and now, well now I feel like I don't control my own life. I wanted to wait, Hero didn't I know but he respected me enough to wait and now that has been taken from us. We have had our lives plastered all over social platforms without anyone asking us for permission and it sucks. It fucking sucks that we are on show, even the private parts of our lives. I don't know how to feel about this or how to deal with it' I continue sobbing, Hero walks in and drops to his knees in front of me holding me close and telling me we will work it out together.

I want to push him off and scream at him, he fucking knew and hid it from me this morning. I can't though, I get this is new territory and he probably freaked as much as I am so the logical part of my brain feels bad for him. He brought me here to the person he trusts most in the world to help and right now having Martha beside me helps. She is so lovely and I trust her too. I need some air though, I feel like I may be sick.

'I need to go outside please' I stand and head to the back door. Hero follows but I need a minute to myself, I need to think.

'No Hero, please let me go alone' I ask, he looks wounded at my words but he has had longer to process this so I need time now.

Herophine A tale of two Where stories live. Discover now