Chapter 6

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Hero's POV -

Today was a good day, it had a chilled vibe. Everyone was at ease with each other and just had a laugh. I know things will change once filming starts but this was a good idea. Just to hang out and enjoy the sunshine. It reminded me of holidays with my mates. The guys at a bar and the girls being girls, sitting pretty by the pool talking about makeup and whatever shit girls discuss for hours. After a few drinks I managed to persuade the guys to jump in one by one, the aim being to drown the girls. It went so much better than planned. Everyone joined in and after I dragged Jo by the ankles into the pool we all messed around and let lose. All that swimming worked up an appetite though and we all head to our rooms to change, I decide to call my Mom. I know I'm an adult but my Mom is my best friend so I like to atleast have a daily chat to check in with what's going on back home. While my Mom is is giving me the rundown about home I hear a knock on my door, then another. For fucks sake.

Okay, calm down. I am on my' I open the door and see Jo standing there. 'Sorry Jo, I thought you was Shane. He seems to be the time police around here. What's up?' I ask after dropping my frown.

'Sorry, I was heading down for dinner and thought i' d see if you wanted to walk down together but you're not ready so I'll leave you to it' she waves but I'm glad it's her so I respond and tell her to come in. I dart over to the bed and finish my call with my Mom. After grabbing my shirt of the chair we head down to the lobby. I can't wait to eat, the guys are waiting on the couches and as we walk over I feel Jo brush her arm against me. What is she doing, trying to hold my hand? I kept my distance today, after what Shane said I thought it best. Plus I keep zoning out and I always seem to end up on Jo, thinking about her smile and shit which is crazy. I'm still blaming the heat because this chick just isn't my type. Maybe she is toying with me like I had with her to see how I react. I know we have the same sense of humour. And that smart mouth of hers is sure to appear soon when she feels more comfortable around me, I feel like we may be in some unspoken battle to see who can push the others buttons. I'm game for that challenge.

Before I know it I am being handed a shot glass with clear liquid, I down it without asking and see everyone follow suit. I need food before this gets messy. More shots come and I feel my head buzzing from the drinks. We all eat and carry on the night with drinks and chatting. We're the last in the lounge and are noisy, I have no idea what the time is. Anna says good night and stumbles towards the elevator, slowly the rest all disappear leaving Shane, Jo and myself. We decide on one more drink for the road and all sway over to the elevator. Shane gives Jo a tight hug and exits on floor 1, we carry on up to 3. Jo looks pissed, really pissed and has the hiccups. I'm drunk too but I have built a tolerance up with all the parties.

As we walk along the corridor I see Jo struggle to balance so I wrap my arm around her waist to aid her. She looks at me with wide eyes and I'm sure she just winked. Did she wink at me? As we approach her door she grabs the key from her bag and I follow her in handing her a bottle of water from her mini fridge. She plonks down on the bed and misses. 'Shit Jo, are you OK?'. I walk over and help her up, she places her head on my chest still hiccuping but laughing uncontrollably. It makes me laugh and we both stand like a pair of hyena's.

'Wow, Hero I'm so glad you was here to save meee' I can hear the sarcasm in her voice, is she really trying to be a smart ass when she just fell off the bed. The nerve of her ha! I roll my eyes and walk her back toward the edge of the bed. Before she sits she looks me straight in the eyes and flicks the end of my nose with her finger. It hurts but I'm more amused than angry, what is she doing crazy woman. She looks playful and relaxed, I like this side to Jo. It makes my cock twitch. What the fuck. I step back as being intoxicated and alone here may not be a good idea, it's been a while since I last hooked up with anyone and Jo is not the person to be thinking about in that situation but my god that dress clings to all the right places on her body. It's a simple dress but she makes it look good and her skin is shiny, and those lips. It happens again and before my trousers get tight I clear my mind. What the fuck Hero, get a grip.

Jo slips off her shoes and prances past me like bambi passing by going to the bathroom. 'Be out in a sec' she states. When she comes back she is wearing blue short pajama's, her face is natural and her hair is wild. She looks like trouble but with innocent eyes. Wow she's hot.

'So are you staying over again tonight?' she asks directly, so directly it catches me off guard. Last night wasn't intentional but tonight would be a choice. One I'm not ready to make, especially drunk and her looking like, well like that. 'I'm not sure that's a good idea, don't want the rest of them getting the wrong idea or my maid thinking I left'. Who am I trying to convince here, me or her. I have no idea but the thought of staying here stirs something inside of me, something it shouldn't. She isn't my type I repeat in my head. But Jo is a type and right now I would be happy to try it. I have to talk myself down, she isn't coming on to me. She just likes me company same as I do hers. If I did stay we would just do what we did last night I'm sure.

'What's the matter, you don't like my company anymore? You kept your distance at the pool. Bored of your costar already I see'. She pouts at me and it's cute. I shake my head, I'm not going to repeat Shane's comment and make her feel awkward so instead I try to think up something smart but draw a blank. I stand just staring at her I feel the heat rising up my neck. What the fuck Hero, think of something to say, anything.

Before I can talk she jumps on the bed and pats the space beside her. I like this Jo, she is different, she looks free and happy. As I take the seat beside her she turns and faces me, grinning she asks 'So tell me Hero, what's on your mind'. Again I'm drawing a blank, I want to say that I like this Jo but that would surely give the impression I dislike sober Jo and that's not true. Instead I lean back and cross my legs 'Nothing much, what about you?' I look up at the ceiling awaiting her response. She takes me by surprise and grabs my cheeks, turning me to face her and before I know it I feel her lips on mine. Her lips are soft, her mouth tastes like mint and she is kissing me, fuck she is good at this. I know this shouldn't be happening but there isn't any part of me that is going to stop her invading my mouth. I didn't expect this to happen, it must be the drink making her fearless because I don't see Jo being like this normally. She is claiming me and all I can do is lay here and enjoy the ride. This feels so good, better than any other kiss I have had. She is doing something to me and I can't explain it.

**Authors Note: Thank you for reading please vote and comment, all feedback is appreciated 😊 **

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