Chapter 20

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Hero's POV

Well that's the week done, can't deny I am ready for a day off. Filming is going great and I'm loving every minute but having a drink tonight is deffo the perk for me. As I finish up changing and grab my phone and wallet I head into the hallway and I'm met by Anna, Jo and Inanna. I'll just walk with them, we chat in the lift and meet the others for dinner. The vibe is good tonight, it always is but this week we feel accomplished and wveyonne wants to celebrate our first week. Shots start to flood our table and I neck a few down, Sam is pulling some random faces as the liquor pours down his throat and when I look over Jo is mirroring him. Neither of these 2 really drink and you can clearly see it by their faces. I watch Jo take a few more shots and feel the need to protect her, I know drunk Jo is rare so I head over to her.

As I grab the seat beside I get an idea.'The trick is to have a shot, then a glass of water. Even it out and you won't feel so bad tomorrow' I lie, I just made that up hoping she will be in the bathroom most of the night rather than downing shots. Good thinking I praise myself as she nods and follows my advice. It works, I see her scooting out from the table numerous times and heading to the bathroom. It may have been a dick move but I had her best interests at heart. At heart, what the hell! As the night continues we all chat, talk turns to experiences and so on, lame really. I can't help but look intently as it gets to Jo, she doesn't say anything and passes. I wonder why she didn't feel comfortable enough to share. Doesn't kiss and tell I guess. When the group look to me for an answer or story I just hold my arms up in defeat. My experience with women was short lived, I never had a girlfriend but was no stranger in the art of bedroom activities. I was a young man what could I say. It was always mutual and enjoyed by both so what's the harm. I see Jo looking to her lap and can't help but feel like she is judging me. The thought pains me. I really did just sound like a dick and she knows it. I wish I could retract my statement but it's to late now.

Slowly everyone starts to go back to their rooms. Too much alcohol has been consumed tonight and I imagine there will be a few sore heads tomorrow. Jo looks drunk but is still speaking and laughing normally. As she stands to leave she flops back into her chair and without thought I'm up and offering her my hand. This chick has my whipped with none of the perks or commitments. I offer walk her back to her room, I'm ready to call it a night anyway so this is a good excuse to leave. As she stands she shouts goodnight and we head into the lift. As soon as we get to 8ur floor she bends and takes of her shoes, we're still holding hands and I can't help but smile at the feeling it gives me knowing she hasn't pulled away. I could get used to this. We reach her door and I'm dreading the goodnight, I just want to spend time with her. Jo turns to me with the biggest grin and we stand stating at each other. I don't know what this is but I like it, my stomach is going crazy and that look makes my pants tighten. Good lord Jo, what are you doing to me.

'Do you want to come in, you can' she asks. I want to scream yes and I want to stay here, I missed you this week but instead I keep cool and respond with 'If your sure, I mean I don't want you to stay up just for me if your tired?' she doesn't reply, she just grabs my sleeve and pulls me inside. Forceful Jo is hot, there is no denying it. She is glowing with what I can only assume is power as she shuts the door. Before I get chance to study her I feel her hands around my neck and her soft lips pushing against mine. Jesus, I never saw this coming as she slowly guides her tongue into my mouth I am consumed with passion, animalistic and raw. I wasn't to grab her and lay her on the bed, I want to look at every detail on her beautiful face and body. I want to touch her and hear my name fall from her lips with pleasure. My dick is hard and pushing against my zipper, it's uncomfortable and I feel a throbbing ache to be closer to her. Just as the thought enters my head I freeze, I need to stop this. Last time this happened she had no recollection and I'm not the guy who kisses drunk girls. When she didn't remember something inside me hurt, I'd never felt that before and I wasn't going to deal with it again.

'Jo, I'm sorry. I can't do this. You've had alot to drink, I've drank too and this is just heat of the moment. I care to much to let it go any further'. I mean every word, I care to much to be a regret to her. I wanted Jo so badly, she must feel her effect on my from the bulge in my trousers but this was wrong, I didn't want to be her drunk go to. She looks pissed off. Why is she pissed off, surely she would thank me tomorrow. I stopped her from making a mistake. I know Jo cares for me but not like I do her. I'm her friend, she laughs and jokes around with me and we are comfortable together but I look at Jo and want more. I want her to want me like that but she doesn't so this is for the best. Jo turns away and runs into the bathroom. Fuck, what do I do now? Do I stay here and wait, should I leave? I haven't ever been in this position and I'm clueless on what I should be doing. I panic and decide maybe it's better that I leave she doesn't want me here and I don't want to piss her off. I close the door behind me and walk back to my room. Fuck! That didn't go well, what a shit storm.

I pace my room trying to figure out what to do. I hated leaving like that but I'm a guy, I had no idea how to fix whatever was happening. I grab a bottle of water and head onto the balcony to smoke and calm down. Figure out the best course of action. I don't want Jo to be wierd with me. I wanted every second of that kiss but I'm just not ready to be her drunk regret. If I ever got the chance to be with Jo I wanted to make it special. I think I could love her, she makes me feel something. Is it love? Am I being a lunatic, we've known each other for a week and I'm talking about love and shit. I roll my eyes at my crazed submission.

Herophine A tale of two Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu