Chapter 34 - Make Or Break

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Hero's POV -

This week has flown in, it has been days out and joint dinners with Anna, Jordon and Asha. I didn't know that you could visit as many places as we had in such a short space of time. I have literally only slept in the hotel room and nothing else as soon as the sun is up we are out and not back until sundown. It's been a great experience but I am completely exhausted. It's been one of the best weeks of my life, Jo said yes to being my girl after what seemed like hours of her just staring at me blankly. I felt my chest get heavy whilst I awaited her response. My eyes were glued to hers trying to read her thoughts, I've never felt that sort of anticipation in my life. It really hit me at that point how much I wanted her to say yes and when she finally put me out of misery all my body wanted to do was be close to her and make her feel all the happiness she had just given me. We made love that night, we made love so many times that we hardly slept at all. It was me and Jo making a bond to be one another's, it was better than any sex we had before not that any time with Jo hasn't been amazing but this was something else. It was passion and love, the way our hands explored one another, the way our lips merged, the way her body moulds to mine perfectly. It was magic and I was hooked. That woman does things to me, things I have never experienced. I am hers and it is the greatest feeling you could imagine. Now I can introduce Jo as my girlfriend, I didn't think something like this would make me giddy. I am a child at Christmas and she is the greatest gift I could have asked for.

Jo is leaving for Perth tomorrow afternoon and I am heading back to London later that night. We decided to travel to the airport together as we have time to hang out in the airport together but we will say our goodbyes here so not to draw any attention to ourselves. I am dreading having to watch her exit through that gate to return home but I will see her soon and we have technology to help us cope with the separation. 2 months ago I didn't know she existed and now I can't see my life without her in it, the thought is crazy. Tonight we are going to have a quiet evening in the hotel and I'm thankful. Being a tourist is hard work and I am ready for a quiet night with my girl.

Jo's POV -

As I sat replaying Hero's question over and over in my mind I can't help but panic, he just asked me to be his girlfriend. I came to Atlanata with no expectations of meeting and falling in love with someone. I came with a goal, my career. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this but the fact Anna said what she did today makes me wonder if she said this to Hero too, making him act like this. Did he feel like he had to ask me? Has this been a forced decision, like it is the next step he should take but prompted rather than spontaneous? All these questions are running wild through my mind as I stare at him, he looks so vunerable waiting for my answer. Being someone's girlfriend is big, bigger than I was ready for. Things between us are amazing, I love every moment spent with him but if we were to break up it would be Jo and Hero going separate ways, if I am his girlfriend I feel the loss of a title would be so much harder like having a label on us causes this to be a heavier loss should that ever happen. I want him in my life, I love him. I can't deny that but every thought is fighting against the other right now. Hero clears his throat, those beautiful greeny blue eyes look like they might fill any minute. Shit! I need to answer him I have no idea how long we have sat like this whilst I converse with myself internally. I look to Hero and without a second thought I hear the words Yes spill from my lips.

His face lightens and as he jumps to his feet with a 'Yesss, thank god' he wraps me in his arms and kisses me countless times across my forehead, down my face towards the spot he knows makes me weak behind my ear. I can feel heat and electricity fill my body at his touch, in that moment I forget all of my warnings. I know this is what I want. I want Hero and no one else, I sure don't want to not be with him. That wasn't the issue to begin with I just...... I forget my internal ramblings as we make love. Hero looks different, the way his pupils are dilated and hungry for me is arousing. Sex is amazing with him but this feels deeper, every touch is spilling with love and need. His touch is gentle and slow, driving me insane. Each swipe of his tongue across mine is pulling me in and claiming all that I have to give. He feels different to me now, like we have an unspoken bond we sealing at this very moment. We are sharing this moment as boyfriend and girlfriend, making our choice final to make the future ours, together. We don't stop, we make love so many times we are both comotosed and in awe as we lay facing each other noses touching and gentle kisses between deep breathes.

'I love you Hero'.

'I love you Jo'.

The week comes and goes faster than I want. I'm flying back to Perth tomorrow and Hero will be leaving for London too. We decide to say our goodbyes here and act like costars at the airport. The fans will freak if they spot us together. They already edit pictures of us, seeing myself pregnant with Hero draped across me is such an odd and absurd image but I find I always return to it when checking my Instagram. Both of us are shocked that some of the images look so real we have to study to see if we were really there, we see ourselves in all sorts of situations. It is like looking into the future at times with the perfectly put together images, it really is the strangest feeling. I wonder if we could see a future in the form of pictures would we choose it or would we wait to see how it unfolds naturally. I wander into my thoughts about fortune tellers and crystal balls.

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