She nodded and we started to walk behind Knuckles's house since the lake was in the forest behind his house.

We started walking, but it was kind of quiet, the only noises were our feet hitting leaves that were on the ground.

"So...uh...Amy....what was it like living in a village?"

She looked up at me, and looked straight forward and continued walking while answering.

"It was amazing. It was like a dream...I was friends with all the shop owners, everyone knew me....I absolutely loved it!"

She seemed like she was living the dream, but it was all tooken away when it was destroyed...

The path we were taking started getting more lumpy, that was a good sign since that means we were getting closer to the lake. I hope the person is on the side we are on so we won't have to swim to the other side.

The ground got way to lumpy for Amy, and she started to fall backwards into the ground! I quickly caught her by her back before she could fall down. We both started at each other very awkwardly...I could feel my face getting red, and I saw her face getting red as well....

"Thank you...."

I let Amy stand back up, and we started walking again to the lake... that was kind of awkward....

We got to the lake, and we both look around to see if anyone was there. I look to my right and saw someone sitting on a log, that had a hoodie on, so I couldn't recognize them that well...

I tapped Amy on the shoulder and pointed to where the person was, that has to be the person we are looking for!

We started walking over to them, I still couldn't really see their face, but I knew it was a girl.

"Hey! Are you the person who sent us that note?" I asked them.

They nodded yes, but they didn't look towards us. "Go ahead and sit down"

Amy and I sat down on the ground, I sat away from the lake because I do not want water splashing on me!!

Amy's POV:

I really wanted to know where Cream was, so I asked the girl about her. "You said you knew where Cream was, where is she?"

The girl continued looking at the lake, "She is at your old house, the one that is destroyed...."

Why would Cream be there? She can't be alone there! What if she was there when Eggman attack us!!!

"Are you sure that is Cream!? Like you are super positive?!"

The girl nodded.

Sonic asked about Eggman, it seems like Eggman is Sonic's worst enemy..

"What about Eggman? What is he planning? And how do you know about it?!"

She was quiet for a little while, then she decided to speak..

"I used to work with Dr Eggman...I helped him build robots, and everything, I didn't want to be evil anymore...I told her I didn't want to be evil ever again. He got mad..he tried to take me hostage, but I ran away from him..before I did, I took this bottle thing that had a paper inside it..I opened the bottle to see what was on the had everything what he was planning to do..."

"What was it?!"

She sighed, "He is planning to destroy all the villages near the forests. He is planning to brain wash every single person he finds still alive. He will use the brain washed people to make them help him, destroy more places. He wants to destroy you Sonic.."

Sonic looked weirded out on how she knew his name. "Uh, how do you know my name?"

"Like I said before, I worked with Eggman, so I would obviously know your name since you are the guy he wants to get rid of."

Sonic and I let all of what she said sink in us, then we thanked her, and started to head back.

Before we did, Sonic asked, "Who are you?"

The girl turned and looked at us, and said, "My name is Sally Acorn, call me Sally if we ever meet again. And also Sonic.....

Don't go back......

Don't Go Back! (Sonamy)Where stories live. Discover now