The Ending Of The End Part. 1

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If someone told me sooner that love was easy, I would've believed them, but now, I realized that it is harder as it seems. Everyone makes mistakes, but if I could ever fix mine, I would do that in a heartbeat. If only I knew what fate had in mind for me.



I yawned, standing up from the bed. It made me happy that the medicine Jin gave me worked like a magical potion. But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if magical potions existed. Suddenly, I smelled the food from the bedroom. "Jin must've made breakfast." I thought, putting some clothes on. Right that moment, someone knocked on the door. I opened it with a bright smile. Jin stood there checking up on me.

"Good morning." He said. I greeted him back and walked to the small dining section of the living room. "Have you slept well?" My teacher questioned me. I nodded feeding myself like a pig. Ms. Jang and Jin glanced at each other before giving some sort of signal.

"Jihyo, We know that there's an issue between you and Taehyung. However, his mom's death anniversary is coming up and I want to be there for my friend." He told her, trying to sound as polite as possible.

I took a deep breath before standing up, reaching for his hands. "Be there for your friend."

"Besides, I want to meet Jungkook's new girlfriend so I'm coming along." When those words came out of my mouth, Jin was shocked. His face was becoming red and his mouth was wide open. I mentally prepared for what's coming next.

"He has a lady of his own?!"

I immediately ran away, avoiding more trouble that might come next.


When we arrived at the palace, I went to Jungkook's room. Before I entered the room, I was debating whether to knock or not. But my stupid mind of mine told me it was gonna be fine so I opened the door.

My innocent eyes weren't prepared for this.

Jungkook and a girl were doing things that children shouldn't even see. My eyes widened as I heard a specific sound coming from the girl. "Oh, Jungkook, ah-"

"-Holy Jesus mother of christ. I beg you to please cleanse my eyes from this sinned behavior! Amen." I prayed.

They stopped as they heard me praying.

Jungkook glimpsed at me, jumping out of bed. The moment the girl stood up, I hid behind the wall. She looked oddly familiar. I merely shrugged it off as they were probably putting some clothes on. "Jihyo, you don't need to hide." He said, trying to hide the embarrassment inside of him.

The girl he fucked with, went out of the room and smiled brightly at me. "Oh, you must be Jihyo." She took out her hand and I gladly shook. "You are...?" She looked so familiar. I tried to recall where I met her, but I then gave her a signal to please say her name.

"My name is Rosé. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I raised my eyebrows. "Jungkook talks a lot about you." She explained while I gave her a simple "Oh."

"Are you sure we haven't met before?" I tried to ask as politely as possible. She stayed quiet biting her lip and changed the topic pretty soon. "Jungkook, I need to do some lady business. Please wait for me." She announced, walking away from the hallway.

I gave her a questioning look before turning to Jungkook who was pretty pale. "Jungkook, Jungkook, are you alright?!" I shook his shoulders. He nodded slowly. "I'm alri-" Before he could finish his sentence, he collapsed while I was trying to catch him. "Why does he needs to be so heavy." I cursed under my breath before turning serious.

"Please, someone, get help!" I shouted, trying to carry him through the goddamn hallway.

I kept shouting as I kept carrying him to the hospital section of the palace. Unfortunately, the hospital section was on the other side of the palace. My feet became tired after every step, but that didn't stop me. He needed help. If only I paid attention in a class of what to do with situations like this.

Someone probably heard my shouting and found me. I was relieved that at least someone was near us. The girl or rather a maid looked at me with a serious expression. "Ms, you need to inform king Taehyung of what happened. He will be only listening to you, I'm afraid." I gulped, nodding in response. "Would it be alright if I leave you here?" I asked her. She pointed at the other hallway as she focused on Jungkook.

I turned around once again to find the person I would rather not speak with but this is more important than a silly fight.

"Please be okay, Jungkook." I prayed, running to Taehyung's study room. I was out of breath, trying to steady my heartbeat once I arrived. I knocked on the door rapidly as my breathing was out of control. "Why am I not a run person." I thought to myself, mentally smiling as the door opened in front of me. "What are you doing here, Jihyo?" I gripped his wrist. "Important..." I tried to say while I breathed like crazy.

"Important?" He questioned while I nodded, cursing at myself for not being athletic.

"Jungkook...pale...suddenly...unconscious..." The way he eyed me felt like he didn't understand a word of what I just said.

"Jungkook is unconscious?" He repeated. I gave him a thumbs up while my breathing finally became normal.

"Help your goddamn brother, please." He gave me one last look before running like the flash. I sighed, running after him.

He was already far up ahead as I took a small break. Suddenly I heard a voice, hiding behind a wall. The voice seemed familiar. As it was fading away, I decided to follow it. I moved my head a little bit from the wall. I finally saw a man that was entering a room. My curiosity took over me so I tried to eavesdrop.

"The plan is set in motion, big brother. Jungkook has been poisoned so he will probably be dead in a few hours." The girl that stood there was Chaeyoung. A silent tear left my eye as I heard her speak. And then it finally hit me. That girl was the same girl that kissed Taehyung.

"Don't speak so loud Rosé, someone might hear you." The man, but not just any man shushed her. It was Park Jimin. "Besides, you need to cheer me on once I finally killed Taehyung and rule this beloved kingdom on my own, but I won't forget you of course. You'll be my princess, little sister."

I was completely flabbergasted. He couldn't be the Park Jimin I knew, right? I mean, he would never hurt Taehyung, right? It all clicked together when I thought about it. The moment he hurt me, he actually showed his true colors. That girl, she kissed Taehyung. What if all of that was a distraction?

There were no loud footsteps anymore. I gulped once I turned around. Jimin stood in front of me with a smirk on his face. "Ah, it seems that the little bird here might have heard something that wasn't supposed to be heard." The way he talked was like poison dripped off his mouth.

I stood my ground and confronted him. "You will not get away with this," I spoke with determination. He seemed to enjoy this scene as his face came closer to mine. His cold hand rubbed my cheeks. "Oh, but I will." He whispered in my ear.

"My lovely Jihyo. I truly am in love with you and I hoped you would love me in return, but you didn't. I could always just make you love me in a forceful way if you want. What a shame, though. You weren't supposed to hear this so I can't let you go now. If only I was your guardian demon. But, I am no guardian. I am the villain and I will show you what will happen if you disobey me." He licked my near ear, enjoying this moment. I closed my eyes, preparing myself.

Before he could do anything else, Jin came in. I opened my eyes and saw no Jimin in front of me. I was relieved to see that Jin was here to help me. "Are you okay, Jihyo?" He asked me.

"I am fine, but we need to find both Taehyung and Jungkook right now."

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