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When I woke up, I saw some breakfast on a counter with a small note.

I'm picking up my girlfriend. She's gonna stay with us for a while. Please eat your breakfast!
-Worldwide Handsome Jin

I laughed, but then I remembered yesterday's events. I'm just gonna forget and make a great day out of it. Besides, the breakfast smells so good.

I ate everything and washed my hands. Soon, I heard the door opening and went to the living room. I was about to greet them until I saw a familiar face.

"Ms. Jang!?"

That can't be, right? Okay, just smile and overwrite your mistake.

"I mean, Hi, my name is Min Jihyo and welcome." I tried to cover up my silly mistake and she didn't exactly buy it but ignored it either way.

"Jihyo, this is my girlfriend, Jang Jane." He introduced and sat down. I awkwardly smiled, trying to find out what the hell is happening.

Jin looked at me and turned around. "I have to go to the palace to get some things right. Please behave Jihyo." He said and then closed the door.

I just stood there with glued eyes on her. She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers in front of me. "Are you even alive?" She asked, shaking me a little.

I woke up from my trance, trying to show a polite smile even though I was battling from the inside and clearly failed. I just kept my mouth shut. I scanned for an escape in the corner of my eye. When I saw a way out, I bowed and ran to my room as if there was no tomorrow.

Ms. Jang just looked at the girl who ran with an amused smile.

"That girl is something else..."

I quickly sat on my bed and looked through the history book. I flipped through every page about the Emerald Kingdom, but nothing mentioned about Ms. Jang.

It was somewhat killing me from the inside. Was I just going crazy? Maybe she is just a random person who looks exactly like her, right? Right!?

Okay, I'll just need to calm down and relax a little. I should definitely go somewhere to calm my mind, but where? I mean, I clearly said to the King and Jimin that I would leave today...

Forget it, I'll just go and look around the kingdom again.

I peeped out of the door, trying to find Ms. Jang, but the coast was clear. I smiled victoriously and ran outside. I could remember the way to the market and the way back to Jin's house. I mean, I have been here for more than 2 months now. I clearly missed my fucking exams in school. But oh well, I can't do anything about it now.

I smiled as I saw the two children and their mother again. Once they noticed me, they waved and I waved back at them.

When I think about it, the people here have it the slightest bit better than in 2019. I mean, children there are getting kidnapped, abused and raped 25/8. Here they are poor and don't have a lot of money, but not the kidnapping etcetera. At least, I hope so.

I noticed a library so I decided to go in.

It was actually interesting to see all of these old books. I have heard of some of them, but most of them belong to the museum or something.

I was busy with analyzing a book until a voice made me stop reading.

"Nice to see you again, runaway girl." I began to sweat as I saw Ms. Jang in front of me. She was clearly enjoying my silence.

I tried to revert my eyes to the book again, but when she was noticing that I was avoiding her gaze, she took my wrist and dragged me the back of the library.

She grabbed the book that was in my hands and laid in on a counter.

"I know that you don't come from here Min Jihyo." She began to speak as she signaled for me to sit down.

I gulped. "I come from another coun-" I was cut off by her.

"Drop the act. I know exactly where you come from." She said in a threatening voice and paused before smirking.

"The future."

I'm sorry that this is a short chapter. I didn't want to continue writing because of this cliffhanger.

Also, I wanted to thank u for reading this book. There isn't a lot of reads, but I wanted to thank those who read it.

So anyway...
I'll try to update asap, but school is kinda in the way. Not gonna lie, but I'm pretty lazy too.

Cya next time!


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